A remake of this map would be like 5x more awesome on Forge World with it's sexy theme and new objects.... just throwin that out there. Also, I was plain some oddball on this and it was pretty smooth. Oddball carrier can be easily be flushed out of any spot with some good 'nades
Great job the interlocking and merging looks great. For some reason I like the touch by the rockets with the bumps ^_^ And also I like how the Snipers are hung on the wall. One of the best 1v1 maps Ive ever seen sense the Conflict Tournament
I thought that the map showed 2v2 gameplay well when I was testing it with you. Did you fix the instant respawn items and delete the shield door? I would like to know before I download it.
Enjoyment: Sentry was a fun map to play, but the gameplay quickly got old. We found only two gametypes that worked with it, Slayer and Oddball. Starting with Slayer, the battles progressed quite fast in the 2v2 battles we tested it in, and the battles progressed in circles around the map quite well, with a slight advantage of the biggest room, which is somewhat expected. Oddball was a different story altogether; once a team had the oddball it was very easy to camp in several places to gain at least 50 points. One of these areas could be easily countered if the opposing team used team work, but another had only one way of entry as well as plenty of cover for the team with the ball. Because of the lack [of gametypes, and the one sided objective game, the map wasn’t as enjoyable as it should have been. Balance: The weapon set of Sentry was quite balanced. However, that is not the only factor that leads to a balanced map; the overall flow of the map in slayer was very balanced. The fast paced action kept the battles moving throughout the map and no room in particular was too overpowered. Most of the time, players would end up in the room with the tilted cover elements, but because of how the room was set up, it was easy to flank. Players could figure that out quickly and plan their own counter attack, which was the basic combat scenario of the map; Not one time through our testing had we attacked the opposing team head-on. In Oddball, the battles consisted of one of two areas. It was quite easy for the defending team to hold ground against the attackers because of the enclosed doorways and rooms. The room which we found was the “campfest” as I’d call it, was the room with the inaccessible ledges above it. Defenders could easily see all three entrances from a very well covered area in the middle of the room. The ball carrier could hide there or in a small tunnel that ends with enough depth to be a perfect camp-able corner. As a whole, the spawning was average compared to some maps, but it’s that good average. Spawns followed suit with the three second rule and most of the time lead into a flanking position. There hadn’t been a time where I had been close to spawn killed. I’m not sure how well the map would work with Free-for-All with four players because the map was small enough with two teams, so I suggest the maximum amount of players in FFA to 2. Durability: By definition, Sentry isn’t breakable. However, because of the broken game types we did spawn on the ground floor of sandbox instead of inside the map. Not taking the broken gametypes in question, the map was perfectly durable. Aesthetics: The map geometry was supposed to remind us of Forerunner architecture, and it did. The aesthetics and overall map design filled the theme very well, and was definitely the highlight of the map. The smallest things such as the sniper and rockets spawn added the effect very nicely and fit the theme very well. Originality: Sentry used a theme which I seem to find a lot. The difference is that Sentry did it very well. There were many defining factors behind Sentry’s above average appeal, but the greatest aspect was the Forerunner design and architecture. Most maps use small traces of the theme they are working on, but Sentry actively used ideas from the theme of the map, and that’s the main reason this isn’t like most other Forerunner inspired maps. [floatleft]Enjoyment Rating: Balance Rating: Durability Rating: Aesthetic Rating: Originality Rating:[/floatleft]5/10 6/10 10/10 7/10 7/10 Overall: * *Map rating may not be exactly given as math would dictate, simply because in the Overall I took in the fact that gametypes did not work. This resulted in your mark dropping.
Thanks for the review, but I'm sad to hear that you didn't enjoy it as much as I. Did you test a 1v1 on it, since that was the recommended amount of players?