Ok so I've been off this for too long and I made 6 Maps in two weeks after getting back into the mix of things. So here is numero uno: Sentinel is a nice open map great for DMRs and Needle Rifles. players who favor range over power will be at home here, but for those who favor the knitty gritty beat 'em down combat don't worry there is plenty for you too. Sentinel is home to: 2x Shotguns (12 shots each, Shotgun Halls on sides of map) 1x Rocket Launcher (Standard 4 shots, Top Middle) 1X Gravity Hammer (Standard, Bottom Middle) 4x Needle Rifle 4x DMR 2x Needler 2x Plasma Pistol 2x Spiker 8x Plasma Grenade 8x Frag Grenade Now the weapons may seem like a bit but rifles are your main range weapon as there is a lack of sniper rifles and the map is rather large so it flows nicely where you dont have to run from one side pf the map to the other to get a weapon. Some screenshots: The Middle in relation to Red Base: Red Base: The Middle in relation to Blue Base: Blue Base: Bottom Middle: Shotgun Hall: (1 on each side of map, pointless to put two fo same photo) Hope you guys enjoy and check out my fileshare for some maps that aren't posted yet.
This map has a good start to it. I think that in every map there should be a safe haven for each team to go, which is good for CTF and other gametypes. What im saying is maybe build up the two main bases a little bit more to make it feel more like "home" to a team. It is good to have a safe place to go. That is my suggestion. I think this map might be decent for MLG too. Maybe?? You could maybe beef up the walls a little to? Some aesthetics on the walls? They seem a little blaah.. Ofcource its up to you, thats my suggestions.
You spawn off to aside of the base behind a double wall, so there is a safe spot and the why does everyone focus on aesthetics instead of gampelay? The map plays well and is simple and easy to learn why overcomplicate it with something that is unnecessary and takes up space?
My initial reaction was that given the size of this map, be careful not to overload it with weapons. I think taking down the rocket launcher from 4 rounds to 2 would be a smart idea. And a total of 16 grenades on map scares me. Those are just suggestions, take em' or leave em'. I could see this map best supporting double team. I like the map itself, but perhaps throw in some scenery to liven it up. Overall, well done. SSRC
ShKai- Yes the main thing in a map is the gameplay, but when you have the little things like aesthetics, or even smaller things, it gets more appealing. If you need an example look at my map Terrafrom.. The mix of aesthetics and has awesome gameplay. So really the big thing with the "extra looks" is just create "eye-catchers" and it also helps people remember more about your map, both durring the game, and just looking at this post. About the spawn you said, behind the double wall, it is good that its not a stare off in the beggining, but personally I would go further to build of the bases.. Thats all im saying.
See at first there werent that many weapons but it seemed to take forever to grab anything so thats why i added all of them and it still plays very nicely and handles awesomely for 4v4 and 2v2 [br][/br]Edited by merge: Lol its funny cuz you didnt even download my map so all you saw was the pictures and decided to put your two sense in and try to make your map look good. Next actually look at it before you smash on it
I dont think suggestions are smashing it. Im just saying from expirence with maps, both forgeing them, and on matchmaking, that maps are good with a haven-like base. I never "smash" people maps. Atleast I dont intend to. Also, I wasnt trying to make my map look good at all, though im pretty confident about it.-Thats another story though. So if you took it personal I didnt meen that.
I didn't take it personal but before you suggest something for a map wouldn't you actually want to download and see the map first hand? I actually took time and downloaded Terraform, The idea is really good but the floor is bumpy in some parts, when your on the bottom and jump you get some screen lag when looking through the circular building (the frames per second drops, so that worries me for splitscreen play because i play splitscreen alot with my gf) and some of the weapons seem out of place. Otherwise the asthetics aren't over the top, you have enough that can be used for reference so players can traverse the map without getting lost and i didnt find anything wrong with the spawns so that was a bonus