
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Randy 355, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. Randy 355

    Randy 355 Multiplayer Sustain Designer
    343 Industries Senior Member

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    2/09/2011 - New, Final Version! Re-download!


    Welcome to Sentinel. The creation of this map is in honor of two maps from previous installments of the original Halo trilogy: Lockout and Guardian. Great for Team Doubles and standard Team Slayer alike, this map ensures a unique battle experience across the map.​

    Map Summary

    The map is based around a center platform, much like Lockout or Guardian, as it is largely influenced by those two maps. The high level has proved itself to be the main ground for battle, as testing shows. Shots are traded across the high center as players try to control their bases. This allows for small skirmishes to occur on the side by the grenade launcher, and down on the lower level where the sword and sniper rifle lie. Since the lower level is used so little, it makes an interesting space to create a flank or escape from the enemy. The map is great for stockpile, as each flag is placed horozontally between both bases, creating a fair chase and many intense battles. The map is based in the lagoon area, in attempt to hold a somewhat unique aesthetic appeal without compromising budget and performance. Colors on the map were chosen carefully to make the map pleasing to look at, and help players know where they are right off of their spawn. Lights accompany the colored pieces to make the space less dull.

    Detailed Overview
    The Center

    The high center of the map is where the action is at, and during a match there is always something going on there. The reason it's so busy is that the center can take you anywhere you desire on the map, so long as you can cross it alive.


    The Low Center is directly below the main battle ground. This is where the sword rests. Not many encounters occur down here, but that makes it the perfect area to regroup, escape, or flank the enemy. Coming down here may not be the quickest way to get where you want, but it's likely the safest.


    Connected to the bottom center (sword room) is the Yellow Lift Room. The room has a design of gapped walls in an attempt to make in non-campable. The lift leads to the Yellow Room above, which is often a great area to control.


    The Midside is a route the leads directly from Red base to Blue base, with an exit in the middle that leads to both high center and low center. This area is great for flanking the enemy team, and is home to the destructive grenade launcher. The walk has enough cover to hide you from a sniper in red tower, but little room to dodge explosives.

    Red Tower

    While not literally red, it is the area red team spawns next to, so they usually start with it under their control. The tower overlooks the high center, and is an advantageous spot to have with both the sniper or the shotgun. The top is filled with fusion coils though, so watch where you stand...


    The red tower has paths to all major areas of the map. Just below the red tower is the sniper rifle.

    Blue Bunker

    Blue team spawns just below this bunker, and so they stared with it in their control. The blue bunker houses the shotgun and two fusion coils. It has a murder hole that has a view of the entire top side. The windows and fusion coils make it a difficult room to camp in, but enough cover to keep safe.


    Just behind the blue bunker is a canon that takes you directly to the yellow room. Just before the lift is the magnum, and just as you land at the yellow room there is a needle rifle and two frag grenades.

    Weapons and Gametypes
    Compatible Gametypes

    Weapons on Map
    [​IMG] X 2 [​IMG] X 2
    [​IMG] X 1 [​IMG] X 1
    [​IMG] X 1 [​IMG] X 1

    [​IMG] X 1 [​IMG] X 1
    [​IMG] X 1 [​IMG] X 1
    [​IMG] X 1 [​IMG] X 4
    [​IMG] X 2 [​IMG] X ∞​

    Extra Information
    Red Team Initial Spawn

    Blue Team Initial Spawn

    Version 2 Change List
    - Added a Kill Barrier to the underside of the grenade launcher platform, as you could hang on the edge and survive.

    - Made the glass wall on midside walkable, which creates a new jump to the high center.

    - Added a new wall for the Blue Bunker. I find this wall more aesthetically pleasing, and it also rids of the frame-rate issues created by the old wall.

    - Added Compatibility for One Flag CTF, with gametype specific static spawns for both teams.

    - Various aesthetic updates

    Version 3 Change List
    - Added a spawn zone to the bottom half of the map. This makes spawning safer.

    - Since the previous addition makes it near impossible to spawn high, I added more red team initial spawns to overide them spawning in the wrong area at the start of a match. (Yes there are 8, the map can support big team. I don't recommend it though.)

    - Put a new column at the fork to high red and low red for aesthetic improvement.

    - Other slight aesthetic tweaks you likely won't notice.

    Final Version Change List
    - Added compatibility with the new 'Bro Slayer' game variant.

    - Moved the lower lift Needle Rifle to the mid-side elbow.

    - Pesky 'Window Jump' fixed. Now easy to do.

    - Added a barrier on red spawn to rid of slight frame-rate problems when zoomed in with a DMR towards blue bunker.

    #1 Randy 355, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  2. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Probably one of the best Lockout/Guardian inspired maps to date. To me, it is a lot more like a mini version of the cage rather than Lockout or Guardian, but it looks awesome. I gave it a download and as long as it doesn't have huge framerate issues, it looks to be a pretty likely winner of forgetacular.
  3. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Nice map, and great job for a first post. I think the weapon layout is nice, and one can easily tell that it is guardian or lockout influenced, it resembles it. I'm surprised using an entire structure like that can resemble the yellow lift in guardian so much. Great job, downloading now.
    Funny how in the weapons, you put falling to your death. lol
  4. IXA

    IXA Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love how this map looks. Also out of curiosity does this map have the classic "L'" shaped ramp that connected a side area to a base that was in both previous maps? It can't be a Lockout/Guardian inspired map without it. :p

    Just my 2 cents. :p
    #4 IXA, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  5. Randy 355

    Randy 355 Multiplayer Sustain Designer
    343 Industries Senior Member

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    I'm glad you like it. There shouldn't be any frame rate issues on v2, but there was a few minor ones on v1.

    Thanks. I added "falling to your death" both comedically, and to even out the weapons list.

    From red tower there is somewhat of an L path to midside where the grenade launcher is, though it doesn't ramp up until the fork to red tower or red bottom. I suppose it's up to you if you find it a true "L" shaped ramp/path.
  6. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Wow, Blackout and Guardian were two of favorite maps in 3, and this one looks close to the originals, I cant wait to give it try. Ill come back if I find any flaws.
  7. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Absolutely beautiful map! Guaranteed download as far as I'm concerned. I'm letting my friends know about this one to!
  8. JGarb

    JGarb Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Great map and great thread! I like how you have it organized with spoilers, not just a mess of discriptions and pictures. Great first thread. Download for shure.

    -JayGarb Forge
    #8 JGarb, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  9. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    This is great. The resemblance of the two maps is clearly there, although I do see much more Lockout influence. The forging looks clean and smooth, and I hope there isn't any frame rate issues. I'll have to DL to find out.
  10. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Woah, im completely amazed. You just mixed two of the greatest maps from Halo 3 into one pure awesome map. Im amazed. There is lots of parts that are from Lockout, Guardian, and some made by your own. Just wow. Im going to try this tomorrow, ill edit this post when I play it.
  11. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Sentinel, has become one of my instant favorite maps on Forgehub. I actually didn't believe a Blackout, Guardian remake could be possible. (Dang, now I owe Jex Yoyo a quarter.) I am kinda disspointed that it only supports Team Slayer at the moment. Regardless, you've done a great job, and I hope I to see more maps from you very soon.
    #11 Dizzyman572, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
  12. IXA

    IXA Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Downloaded and gave a run through. It was smaller than expected but I liked it. Although the lift area portion could've been better if it wasn't a already available piece.

  13. Randy 355

    Randy 355 Multiplayer Sustain Designer
    343 Industries Senior Member

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    Whoops, actually it supports many gametypes. *fixed*

    Version 2 supports :
    Crazy King
    King of the Hill
    One Flag
    Team Slayer
    (Only Team Slayer and Stockpile have bee tested extensively)

    I'm glad you like it, and you will likely see more maps from me (so long as I can get them to work satisfactory.)

    I can agree with the yellow lift room. Unfortunately enough it was the first piece I layed down, and the map really grew with my forge experience.
  14. Sn1p3r C

    Sn1p3r C Halo 3 Era
    Creative Force

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    I can't get over how much I love the jumps in this map. It seems as if every single decorative piece on this map serves a secondary purpose as something to spring off of. Also, the addition of jumps that reward players for picking sprint is excellent design. My only problem with mobility in the map is the blue base's upper room - the window looks jumpable, but is notoriously difficult to do so quickly.

    Excellent design, 9/10.
  15. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have a question. Why does Red team spawn facing a railing? It seems a bit clunky, isn't the building to the left a better place for them to spawn? Other than that this looks very solid.
  16. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very amazing map. This is one of the best maps i have seen in a while in this thread. Like a lot of other people have said Lockout/Blackout and Guardian were some of my favorite maps in the Halo series. The "Low Center" has a great appeal to me for some reason. For the teams spawning area, i think that the buildings should be the same color as the team, unless you have already done that. Over all it looks really nice, along with how you posted it. Putting spoilers is a clean way to separate information/picts.
  17. Randy 355

    Randy 355 Multiplayer Sustain Designer
    343 Industries Senior Member

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    Thanks Sn13pr C. The jumps are something that come in handy during gameplay. The window jump is fixed in my newer yet-to-be-released version.

    The red team spawns on the railing to meet the blue team on an opposing edge, if that makes any sense. My next version will have those spawns in the same area, but towards either the yellow room or red tower.
    #17 Randy 355, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  18. Sn1p3r C

    Sn1p3r C Halo 3 Era
    Creative Force

    Likes Received:
    Got word you updated to final version.

    It is SO DELICIOUS. (Which, for my viewers at home, is more than normal Delicious.)

    Window jump problem got nuked - very easy to execute and more appealing to the eye.

    Aesthetics are great, as usual, and the railing fixed the only frame rate issue there was. (Not that I ever found it during gameplay, but wevr.)

    And for the record... BRO SLAYER. That's right folks, in caps lock. Cruise control for cool. Like this map.

    It's already been downloaded by me, so you guys should do yourselves a favor and get it. There, how's that for a fan? Suck it, impolite people. (And I mean that in the most respectful way possible.)
  19. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I've always loved Guardian/Lockout/Blackout styled maps, and this one is no exception. They are all so much fun to play on.

    Your map seems more functionally symmetrical than Lockout/Blackout, even though the majority of the inspiration came from those maps. How unique.

    The possibilities of Guardian/Lockout/Blackout maps are endless, and they always create a fun environment for the players. I'm working on a map pack featuring all Guardian/Lockout/Blackout maps, but are different in their own way. So many creations have drawn inspiration from those maps.

    Great job!
  20. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love this map. I downloaded it to look at its design and so it might advance my own skill at aesthetic design, but I can see that this is a very well crafted map from just one fly through. My friends get together on weekends to play custom games and you should know, this will be one of our maps to play on. I was going to look at it and create my own version, make it my own with my own tweaks. But it is just too good to mess with it. I applaud your skill and dedication in this map. Well done. I can find no error.

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