YouTube - Halo Reach Forge Map "Sentiment II"‏ Every century sentinel workers recreate this temporary beam maintenance structure. Weapons: Focus Rifle x1 Plasma Repeater x2 Plasma Launcher x 1 Equipment: Plasma Grenade x4 This is an old map that I recreated. The weapons are unorthodox but I wanted to make a fresh and fun 2v2 map. My forge and custom gaming clan is recruiting! Private message me for more info.
Great map. First of all props for building it on temepest. It wouldn't be the same if you didn't. The maps layout is nice with some good aesthetics, And plenty of cover. But do you really 3(or 4) power weapons?
The sharp angles and lots of cover makes the plasma launcher and focus rifle hard to use so I really havent' seen many problems Thanks for the props.
No but I think I saw a focus rifle and a spartan lazar in the video. So It just seems like a lil much.
Honestly to me this looks more like a paintball map. I see you placed cover which is good, but it looks so simple so uncreative. Almost like you just placed some objects down and called it cover. I am not trying to be mean or rude, but I am just telling you how I see the map as it is. It is alright that you used the beam, already done so many times, but what can you do. To be comepletely honest I dont find anything unique about this map, plain flooring, plain cover, exceeding amount of power weapons. Someone could probably have made this on Forgeworld and it wouldnt make a difference. Not your best work I am afraid, but make more versions and always try new things on your maps.
I think what this map needs is a bit more height variation. Its very flat. I understand you are near the roof of Tempest but I think there is still room for some height adjustments/platforms.
Its a plasma launcher not a laser, so it's more difficult to use w\the cover and sharp angles [br][/br]Edited by merge: In order for the beam to go through the map I had to build it really high, and the max height of the level set by Bungie is right above it, I have those so people don't camp at the highest point of the map, seeing all spawn points.
looks good but it could have used a bit more aesthetics. example: all of the flat blocks you used for cover. try to think of something more creative next time. but i have to agree that this looks like a great paintball map. you got a download