Seneca Seneca is a 4 story building of carnage that is to mustly 80% merged and clean execpt for the recent add on to the top which has not been merged yet.Its kind of symmetrical, has 2 custom made lifts and many ways to acess each level.The video/map is worth a try/watch Link to download: Link for video: Please note* in the begining of the video the outside of the "level" is shown but no battles will ever fought outside of the map( i made sure of that) If possible leave some constructive feedback *some of these areas are kinda rough(like 2 places
Finaltom is one of my best friends on xboxlive and he helped me by capturing the video that i recorded in theater because i dont have a capture card.Even ask him
forget forge map...this might be one of my favorite maps in general, though the sniper rifle i could do without. it felt like i was walking through an older game level which gave me a sense of nostalgia..i liked it. up close and personal maps are great, lots of cover and more intense gaming.