You still have nine days to send in your maps for our contest. Please do so now and if you have any questions about it please send me a message. Happy Forging.
Is there absolutely no way we can submit older maps, to be exact maps that were started earlier than April 24th but are still in the process of making? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Never mind I just read your reaction on YouTube, thanks. [br][/br]Edited by merge: One more question: Will the audition map just function as a way for you guys to tell how good of a forger the submitting person is, or will it already be used for the contest? In the last case, I will submit LSIALM, in the first case I'll probably submit one of my older minigames and save LSIALM for later. If I'd get to enter the contest, I hope to finish up some more maps by June. (Mostly Infection.)