a switch also inspired by THIS video the way it works is when you shoot the grav lift out another spawns and slowly pushes an unseen warthog and crate into your veiw through a window so you can drive :] Piczorz Overview of switch where the switch is How to activate it warthog behind wall other grav lift spawns hog drives itself perfectly up to the window jump through the window and drive!!! LINK TO THE MAP
I thought you made a Warthog that drives itself around the map. I DEMAND A REFUND, DAMMIT. Interesting switch. I think that it would probably work well in a puzzle map situation best, though.
Hmm forge hub and artificer are merging it seems. I personally think this is a exellant switch, for these reasons: Awsome for puzzle maps(as said before) great to have in team based games.( At least one in the middle.) My one question is, is it resetable? i love it.
It's like some sweet James Bond switch or something haha, pretty cool! You should do this if possible on a race map with mongooses (mongeese?). Players have to figure out how to get their mongoose before they can drive xD lol.
I saw this on some other forging website but i don't remember the name, it looked like a total rip-off of forgehub because it had status bars for posting almost identical to FB's.
its H3 Artificers and its not a rip off, its a switch making website, and its a good website and community
Umm, it looks cool, and is absolutely necessary. The switch itself would be useless without some sort of barrier preventing the player to take the warthog without first activating the switch.
this is a rip off! i have seen this already! someone allready posted it! please don't steal others inventions!
I know pmp already said this, but it is not a rip-off of forgehub. Artificer does have a good community (I don't really need to get on top of another forum though, so I just look at the switches). It wouldn't matter anyways, because ForgeHub doesn't even use its own design. It is just using the regular vBulletin design. Artificer uses a modified design and SMF boards. Really, they don't look even remotely similar. As for this map, I think I already saw it posted here, but it was probably on Artificer. I love this switch, but the pressurized door still has the most win in it.
Your very good at coming up with switches and walkways but is it you thats making these or do you take them from the H3 site? i think its you, but i'm not sure
I think its a great idea if anyones seen the burger king map it would be great for that. Good work keep the ideas coming i love them