Why do my movable objects delete themselves after they despawn? This always happens to me and I'm not sure if its happening to others. I need them to respawn like they should in order to make a map ive had the the idea for. Help?
I think it was to combat crates and vehicles which would continue to spawn in places that we can't get at, and so lose the pieces I predict that this happens whenever a part leaves the forge boundary which is nice, but seriously inhibits forge gadgets which rely on force respawning items that cannot be destroyed.
Moving objects have to come to rest in a safe place before the map will save and respawn them. If you need an object to fall from a height, for instance, you have to spawn it on top of a block, make sure it's not moving whatsoever, and then delete the block. When a new round or game starts, the object will spawn at that position and drop. The same is true of any movable object that you spawn in a position that causes it to move immediately - if you don't force it to sit still in that place, the game will wait until it stops moving to try to save it in a location, and if it never stops moving, despawns before it stops moving, or ends up inside one of the canvas map's built-in kill zones, it just won't save it at all.
i had this problem wilst remaking elongation and re creating the moving crate effect, but i figured it out just like nut duster said, but make sure while you are testing it that you instead of deleting the piece, just move it to the side so you dont have to keep re building that piece to set the object or vehicle again and again while you are just setting it up, but delete it after you know the spawn times and stuff are right, and if using vehicles you can have them blow up in a kill ball which will help with the respawning
Also make sure you are setting them to have a respawn time, crates by default have a repawn time of "never" so they will delete themselves if moved from their original location.
you can also place the piece, set it physics to "fixed", let go of it, then highlight it without grabbing it and set physics back to normal. It will stay in place till you bump or grab it, and will drop at the start of a new round or game. Edit: not sure what you were trying to do, but this is for if you want something to spawn in mid-air and drop.
Yeah, I figured out that this was actually the problem. I feel kinda dumb now for not noticing that earlier. But thanks to everyone anyways! Oh, and Fragsturbai, that's a pretty cool trick you've got there.
This works with most things, some crates stay fixed even when set to normal the way that you were explaining so be carefull with that. But fot the most part thats how i do it too