Storm the castle and capture the flag. Play with 1 flag or infection games. Attackers spawn in little huts. Mongooses aid the journey to the castle. Warthog and rockets give some extra help against the fortified base. The entrance looks daunting! Beware of an ambush. Looking down at the entrance. Up the top is a set of stickies, a splaser and a grav lift to the flag. Around the back is a ramp leading directly to the flag. At the base is a hidden surprise! DOWNLOAD Enjoy
The map looks nice, but it doesn't look finished. The huts and the castle look very nice but i suggest you add more cover though. It is very easy to get shot from the top of the castle. Also it would be nice to add a weapons list so we know what kinds of guns are on the map. I'll download the map and play wit a few friends and come back tomorow with a better review.
Alright thanks for the reveiw. I probably wont go back to it as I have something else in mind to forge.