Here is your le review. I played 2 team slayer games, thats all i had time for. * The cover in the tunnels is perfectly fine. There is just enough for people, but not enough to make spawn killing possible (Meaning you can push out of your spawn without any trouble. * We had problems with killing the other team once they got in the middle. The side windows helped (they are sweet) but the opening into the room is much too small. i suggest you make it larger. * We had a lot of problems with the sword, since there are corners and they would camp in that narrow passage into the middle. I suggest you change it to a mauler. * The radar jammer is sort of pointless (or to us it was). You should remove it or replace it with something worthwhile. *Dual wielding SMGs raped. You should increase the spawn time on all of them by like 15 or 30 seconds. *Sentinal beam is very strong. Turn spawn time to 120 seconds. *Try to make the windows less campable because a team would take the middle, and camp at the other teams window and cam there base. All in all a good map. Those were major points I had and there are smaller ones that don't mean as much. There were tiny cracks in parts of the roof because you probobly ran out of budget and had to put limited stuff as the ceiling. The sentinal beam is a very strong weapon on this map, so you should move it out of the base and swap it with a weapon that is out of the base. I suggest adding fusion coils near the windows in the middle area to prevent base camping. Overall: 7/10 (Note, 6 is average)
Thank you soooo much! All of the info you revealed to me is very useful. I will make a v2 of this map asap, to fix those gameplay issues. I never thought about the other team camping the window slots from the center...very good info. Thanks a TON.