Ok. So I have a little problem. I just tried checking some of my old maps on B.net via the links on my map posts on Forgehub. But none of them show up. Is it that it needs to stay on my file share, or is it just a weird problem happening? Does this happen to you? Please comment and help me out here... I have no clue as to why this is happening. Any constructive comments will be appreciated. And don't tell me that there are threads for this already. I need some answers and I don't want to go looking throughout the vast Forum Index for this kind of thing. Thanks in advanced for anyone who helps me out with the problem.
Yeah, they need to be on your File Share, otherwise the threads say "File share item removed" or something of that sort. I know, it sucks, but Bungie doesn't want to give you any more space than your File Share.
So if I put it back on my file Share, will the map be back up on the B.net thread, or do I have to re-piblish it? if this is the case... oh man... i'm gonna hate doing that. i need to renew my Bungie Pro...
i think u need to repost them unless they r linked to ur file share n not the actual map... sorry... but i might be wrong