Security Door

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Ching Chong Kid, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Security Door​

    This switch consists on a double layer door, each half opened with a separate 'key'. The first part of the door is opened by inserting the first key (a plasma grenade) and the second is opened by inserting the second key (a power drain). These two keys can be placed in different places around the map to make it more or less difficult to obtain them and open the door, but for this example map they are both provided on the wall between the key slots. Here are the pictures:


    The two keys (power drain and plasma grenade) on the wall:

    Inserting 'Key 1' where it is carried to the back and destroys the first gravity lift. This causes another to spawn on the other side of the wall, next to the first layer of the door, and lifts the dumpster:

    Inserting 'Key 2' where it lands next to two fusion coils and destroys the second gravity lift. This causes another to spawn on the other side of the wall, next to the second layer of the door, and lifts the dumpster:

    First layer of the door opening:

    Second layer of the door opening:

    The door closed from the other side:

    The door opened from the other side:

    #1 Ching Chong Kid, Feb 1, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2010
  2. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice switch! Although all aspects of the switch aren't entirely original, this is cohesively very original, especially the double layer door which has never been done, I reckon. This could be very useful in some maps, beside the fact that the gravity lifts that lift the doors have to spawn without any intervention at some point, no matter what.

    Keep it up, Kid.
    #2 Kitten X, Feb 1, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2010
  3. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You come up with some snazzy switches, man. I like this, and in a map, I think it would be better used if the keys were separated. I think this is pretty unique in the realm of Halo 3.
  4. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice idea, putting two together. But what would be epic, is like an airlock where you go into one door, it closes and have another one open with a key inside the air lock.
  5. ExoticallyPure

    ExoticallyPure Forerunner

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    Great switch! It would be fun to use in infection maps or maybe even a double-layer elevator leading to a secret floor and the plasma grenade/power drain would be hidden around the map.

    If you are interested in taking this further (I would be), here's some goals for newer versions:
    • Make a smaller, more efficient switch
    • Make something around it (refer to above, elevator maybe?)
    • Attempt this on Sandbox
  6. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know the switches I've been posting recently aren't the most appealing, but where I come from ( almost every type of switch you can imagine has already been made (many by me too) and so I just try and make anything that hasn't been done before.

    PS ~ Dont try and go to right now cuz it's dead for now, which is why im here
  7. ExoticallyPure

    ExoticallyPure Forerunner

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    So basically, what you're saying is that a site is down so you come here and post all the switches you would've posted there? Why not here? I mean, other than the moderators who take their jobs too seriously, think they are too cool to argue with (even though people only refuse to talk back to them because they will get banned), ban people for doing nothing wrong, and generally making the forum a bad place causing people to move on to other forums and gradually decreasing the members (Sure, there are a bunch, but almost none of them go on). And a bunch of people go on, but only because of the cool maps this forum has to offer, not because of the mods.

    Anyways, great switches, keep them coming, hope you can improve upon them, though. I really suggest you take my advice in my previous post. Thanks!
  8. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Because on H3A is a site dedicated to JUST switches and on it I'm the only "Artificer" which is the staff position who's a guru on switches.

    And thanks for all the feedback on the switches guys, I love making them so you can expect to see many more.
  9. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    amazing switch
    the switch uses 2 doors in succession!! that is something i have never seen before in a switch. well done
  10. cocoreysa

    cocoreysa Forerunner

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    nice you should make some sort of infected map out of it....
  11. falcan125

    falcan125 Forerunner

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    looks quite awsome but unfortuinitly my pc has got a virus so i cant sownload it to review. would u be able to upload a vido of it working so i can check it out
  12. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I dont have a video capture card or anything like that so I rely on pictures to explain my switches, sorry. hopefully when you computer is fixed you can check it out though
  13. Bigboy123

    Bigboy123 Forerunner

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    Nice looking map. I suppose I could finds some good uses for this... I just hope I have the room to download it. >.>
  14. Triple C Greazy

    Triple C Greazy Forerunner

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    This is so fresh. Keep it up Ching Chong.
  15. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's actually much larger than it needs to be. I filled in a lot of the empty space in the back where the mechanism stuff is to keep it from being messed with. This isn't really necessary and can be removed if you wish.
  16. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Ching chong my friend, you have some crazy switches. Off topic, I had someone come in and put an explosive wall into my Helm Deep map on Sandbox, but Im thinking that you may have done a much sicker and more creative job.
    Back on topic: This seems complex, I like the idea that there are actualy 2 gates that must be opened up. So really you could take this concept and make a crazy puzzle or objective based game off of it. Think highground and how you must open the main gate for direct base access. What if this could be intergrated into a fortress?
  17. ghostapple

    ghostapple Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i like the idea

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