This is my second map on ForgeHub and I think it is much better than my first.Well, anyways Containment is a semi small map that uses most of Foundry.The best game variant for this map is FFA and very good for 1v1. The following is a list of all the weapons: BR x 9 Spartan Laser x 1 Plasma Rifle x 2 Mauler x 2 Siper x 1 Shotgun x 1.You may download : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing.I would put pics but they allways comeout microscopic.Please tell me how to make BIGGER.
I'm guessing that in your other map you were told that it wasn't up to forge standards too. This map has little description and very small, unhelpful pictures. not to be mean but if you want more downloads please add more pictures and a decent description
image shack is my personal fav ImageShack® - Image Hosting and the map has ABSOLUTELY no description makes me not wanna come back to even look at this again, as maps get burried quickly into forgehub's depths!
Please, click the "Embed Screenshots" link in my sig, because your post does not meet standards, and pictures are bad.
Im not going to say anything about pics so i dont have to get 423452345 infractions for it but it would be nice.
Well I dont have a magnifying glass so I guess imma have to DL. You did that on purpose! 3.5/5 and a DL from me.
use photobucket and dont post a second map when you know that you NEED pics. i would give you a chance if it was your first map but when its your second well figure it out by the way it doesnt even say what it looks like i am not mad at you but please please embed your pics or at the very least discribe what the map looks like to us