doesnt look fun for gaming but...holy [insert here]. O_O I love your interlocking, etc. it mustve taken ages to make
I have seen this before, this is very cool. Though if this is playable,(witch it is) it needs to be competitive. Also you need more cover, but great interlocking. 5/5.
This is a great map. Not quite the way i imagined it when i read it but everyone visualizes books differently. Looks very neat. you've obviously spent alot of time making it perfectly symmetrical. I like the way you can enter the portal as well.
Agreed the interlocking on this map is incredible. I love the hill and the gameplay seems very fun on this map, but I dont think I would walk all the way to the armory in this gametype. Good Job, and welcome to FH
Hi, firstly I'd like to say that this map is extremely well interlocked and gets 5/5 on aesthetics, but since it has a designated gametype and way to actually play on the map, it should probably be moved to a different map section. Btw, this thread is really professional looking
i downloaded it i played it and i kinda liked it. The armory i have found to be annoying as time goes on. however the general layout of the map was a glee