Secrecy This map is primarily a Free For All map. It supports Juggernaut, Slayer, KOTH, Infection and Oddball. The map is not yet finished, but it is however, in a playable state. A few people have had a sneak preview on the map, this was just a test to see whether the hallways weren't too confusing to navigate around. The room at the top (in the sandbox) is going to be changed. The map is probably about 90% complete. This map also supports a variety of Team games: Team Slayer, Multi-Team, Team King, Team Oddball. Pictures Spoiler Party Room Red Portal - B3NW about to get rockets. Videos Spoiler A quick video tour of the map so far...[bungievid]102760424[/bungievid]
oh sweet! your incorporating the stadium lights, or the crypt hole, right? Looks good for a center room but you may want to make the camo floating with a weapon holder then delete the weapon holder, just for aesthetics. i think its FFA
^This Honestly, what's the point? I'd see if you're trying to build hype, but there's nothing much to hype about.
Now that I think about it this looks like a stadium map. It looks like it's at the very top of the crypt but it also look like people can walk out the sides. Interesante...
It looks good but If you wanted to be able to be dropped into the center of the room via the hole to the crypt you're a little off. Other than that it looks amazing can't wait to see more.
Some bits look scruffy to be honest, especially where the floor meets the walls. Also it might look pretty there, but when your walking through the light is gona look wierd on the weapon your holding, and overall these lighting effects do more damage in-game than the good they do in a screenshot.
heheheh its funny how so much judgement can be taken from one picture isnt it? The reason for only one picture is simple... This map cant be shown in pictures. Its layout is too complex. However, once inside the map.. the layout is very simple.. one must go down to go up, and one must go right to go left... see?? simple
my second secret has been leaked?!?!??! Well.. for you two fine detectives i suppose i could let the others in on our little secret huh?
Damn you steve, MY PLAN TO LEAK HAS FAILED! [OPPOSITEOF]MAUAUAUAAUAUAAUAUA[/OPPOSITEOF] Guys, dont be hating on the map when all you have is two screenshots. Trust me, the layout is like none you have seen before. It looks symetrical by the pictures but ohh boy you will be firing at walls if you decide to trust your radar on this map. Theres passages everywhere, it's kinda confusing but I got used to it after a run round. Weapon layout is good so far. The only thing that let me down on the map is the whole map is slightly indented to the side of the crypt hole and thats something that in this stage of the maps life cannot be fixed, the problem also occurs topside at the crypt plug, also I found the room at the top of the crypt plug to be a bit campable unfortunatley but I beleive steve is working on a fix on that right now.
^ Gave my secrets away So i suppose i'll have to show you guys what i have so far ey? EDIT: Video tour of what i got so far has been uploaded..
this reminds me of Orbital. not literally though, just the way the layout is has sort of the same feel though. how there's no direct way to get somewhere. great looking map though
This map was going to be called twist.. because of the twisty paths you have to take, to.. well get back to where you started.. but.. i decided on secrecy because of what lies beneath.. its a hidden hive, and secrecy was a synonym for hidden Thanks for your comments though, i never actually though of comparing it with orbital
Thats what it reminded me of -.- Just more complicated. Trust me the layout is awesome and confuses you and the little red dot in the corner ;p I like the name twist