Seclude 1.1 came up as an idea since there are no human architecture maps in Halo 3 like 'Terminal' or 'Headlong' in Halo 2. I have not posted version 1, but changes were just made to the maximum allowed (weapons on map, see below) and FX got removed (I wanted to create a more abandoned atmosphere, but gameplay comes first). It is supposed to be a BTB map where you can move the Warthog more freely than on 'Sandbox' (people stay usually away from the center) and a Banshee may be in use. This very Banshee (180s respawn) does only spawn in asymmetric gametypes (e.g. One Flag), so does a Missile Pod (180s respawn) on the other side of the map. All gametypes are supported! Additional 180s respawn weapons are: 2x Sniper Rifle 1x Laser 1x Rockets 1x Turret There is also BR's (11 placed, max allowed 16), Carbines (4 placed, max allowed 8), a Plasma Pistol and other Dual-Wieldables, Brute Shots and a Needler (the weapon list is long). Also on the map are frag and plasma grenades (30s), 2 Bubble Shields and 1 Regenerator (all 60s). Basic Vehicles: 4x Mongoose [60s] 2x Warthog [150s] 1x Ghost [120s] The story of the map is the following: It was a military outpost, a testing area, where people worked and lived. There was a functioning radio station, the military base connected over an elevator with the quarters and a theater (for this outpost was not left for a couple of month by the employees and free-time activity options were limited in this desert). Teleporters (two-way nodes) were used to cross the map diagonally for testing them, in the first, but also to save time and fuel. One day they discovered some Glyphs and just started studying those as the Covenant arrived .. Screenshots from The Theater on the left, quarters behind this, military base to the right. Discovery area on the bottom of the screen (see the Laser?). Defenders spawn next to the broken bridge. On the small structure to the left spawn rockets, not visible from this distance .. Banshee for asymmetric gametypes and the now broken radio station.
This map looks interesting,emm... This map definatley needs more interlocking and use up more items if you can i can see how easy it is to control the map with power weapons, i mean for its size rockets or laser not both.
The map looks great I love the design of the structures they flow smoothly and you dont feel cramped in while moving around. The vehicles work really well because of the open areas in the middle and around the sides. It doesnt need interlocking all of the buildings are well developed. 4.5/5