The government is corupt they are tyring to make this place safe with their laws and such they are taking away our rights we are slowly becoming an unfree country we must stop this soon
I really think that if a cop catches you without your seatbelt on, they should be able to charge you. I think that, if they make it a law(even though it is not enforced much) the rare occasions where you get caught may encourage one to think twice(<lol) before riding without a seatbelt. Airbags, on the other hand, they're putting too many in the cars nowadays, I doubt anyone could escape on their own, let alone sustain conciousness
Well seeing as its the law yet many people choose to disobey it, it really would not make too big of a difference if it were not a law. I personally always wear my seat belt, but that's just me.
I think that Seat Belt laws are a invasion of privacy. It is not right for the government to tell you what you can r cannot do with your life/ property. If you believe other wise then you might loosely belive in Communism. I think it is a good thing to wear seat belts, but to fine someone for not doing so is just wrong.
Your stupid as hell. Your telling me if I flip my car I'll be safer without a seat belt then with one? Your sir are a dumb ass. Draw The Line How many more would have been killed without a helmet? Read that again. Your telling me motorcyclists don't have to wear helmets because there's been people that have died with them on? C'mon that's just stupid. I know firsthand in a few motorcycle wrecks I would have been seriously injured or dead. Have you ever wrecked one going 50+? Not a pleasant experience without a helmet.
The only reason why I know this is because I've talked with one of the leading motorcycle rights activists in Illinois. The majority of the time wearing a helmet on a motorcycle will save your life....but there ARE times when wearing one can kill you. That is why they have a choice, because it could be the choice between life and death. This all comes back to "The government knows best" concept. The government should be there to protect us from outside dangers, not telling us to tuck in our shirts and keep our elbows off the dinner table.
I'm sorry MR Rip but I got to back up DtL on this one, Look at informations relating to car crashes... its not as simple as these things will break and these will not ... ITs completely uncontrollable event .. and for some chances helmets.. as well as Seat belts kill...
Yah I kinda agree with you. I just think people who don't wear one are stupid. Gopher, true, but I bet you they save more then they kill.
The government should have no say in my personal decisions. If I do not want to wear a seatbelt, no matter how obvious the benefits, that is my decision. I also think that the "your body is a projectile" argument is pretty flimsy. I don't have to secure heavy objects in my vehicle. Why should I have to secure myself? And the whole "the government knows best and must protect us through laws" argument is horribly wrong. Private citizens rely on the government too much. Our dependence on the government and inability to take responsibility for ourselves is a huge factor in the frequency of the "ridiculous lawsuits" that have been mentioned in another debate thread here. Having said all that, I don't go anywhere without a seatbelt on. It may be obvious to you, but I never thought about it. But now that you say that, it makes perfect sense. Damn lobbyists.
Wear a friggin' seatbelt. Most of the time it will save your ass. Same goes for a helmet (no offense to anyone on motorcycle helmets-but seatbelts) WEAR A SEATBELT. I got to wear me a seatbelt, I feel like it is hugging me. If you say "screw wearing a seatbelt". At least wear one when your with someone you love - because you don't want THEM to see YOU die in a wreck that was probably your fault. "Probably your fault" you say? Well everyone else in this thread is full of bull-BLAM-.
yes we have them laws over here in aus, i think the seatbelts save lifes.. but tbh, ive stacked my bike 1000s of times.. helmets do jack ****, they shouldnt be a MUST
Thanks for the clarification on motorcycle helmets. Yeah, you would figure if you tipped over sideways - a helmet wouldn't help much. Also, wouldn't help much getting t-boned at a stop sign. That happened to my friend's uncle, and his uncle is getting a big settlement. They thought he was going to die, but I guess he is lucky (or imo, unlucky if too badly damaged).
Basically, what I'm saying is this: If you are n00b enough to get pwned by the cops w/out a seatbelt, they can charge you, but a light fine, like 40$, just to annoy you enough to encourage it a little bit. But that's it. Unless you don't pay within the time limit, but that's another story.
yea that sounds good but you forget forgehub isn't the government we can't change that and also seatbelt and helmets save more than they kill so overall its better to have your seatbelt on just make a good personal decision
Honestly, I'm extremely biased on this topic. I strongly support the law. I don't support for the benefit of the people wearing the seatbelt, I support it for their family and friends. On December 10th, 2000, my brother was a passenger in a car. His friend was driving. His friend lost control of the wheel and crashed into a tree off to the side of the road. My brother was instantly thrown out of the car through the window and the car flipped over and crushed him. He died immediately. Yes, it was his choice to not wear a seatbelt and the fact that it was a law didn't alter his decision. Still, the law alters other people's decisions. It saves other people's lives and their family and friends don't have to suffer through the same thing my family did. The law should stay not for the victim, but for the victim's families and friends.
Well then you have a good reason to be biased manik, I lost an uncle to whom I was very close to. He lost control of his vehicle and smashed his car into a three, he was in the country/boondocks and was eventually found dead after several hours, when I heard of this I was devastated. My brother was once only going about 10 miles while driving in town when he was merged into by a large truck, he was on a motorcycle and was launched about 15ft and ended up hospitalized he wasn't wearing a helmet but luckily he ended up being ok. I strongly suport both laws, although it doesn't really pertain to me since I always wore a seatbelt and always will, if not for my sake then for my familys. In my expirence this isn't a rule that cops look to enforce, they know that they have better things to look out for, and if they see you put your seatbelt on after they spot you then they are probably not going to pull you over.
I live in Chicago and the law is very strongly enforced around here. They'll have cops at intersections, stopping people and checking to make sure everyone is wearing a seatbelt, and it backs up traffic pretty bad. I've been late to work a few times because of the congestion. My biggest problem with the law is that it gives a cop the right to pull someone over for no reason. If a cop needs a reason to pull over a suspicious looking vehicle, or is just looking for a minor infraction to ticket someone, they can pull someone over for "possibly not wearing a seatbelt". Its just another small invasion of privacy, and while it may not seem too large of a deal now, it is in the grand scheme of things. So I'm going to sum up my opinon here for the last time: When you get in a car, wear your seatbelt. It isn't that hard, nor is it that discomforting. Wearing a seatbelt will save your life. End of story. However, the government should have no right to force adults to use a seatbelt. The law wasn't made to protect you and I, it was made to keep money in the wallets of insurance companies.
I believe that seatbelts should be enforced. Seatbelts may only be minor inconvienence, but they save lives besides your own. A backseat passenger can kill a front seat passenger if they don't wear one. Honestly what is the big deal? Is it really infringing on you rights, you right to live? Honestly if you can't be responsible enough to wear it then you should be forced to.
I don't know if that's true or now. But I do know that in Ohio, only front seat occupants and minors are required to wear a seatbelt. Well, no one really argues that smoking can kill you. So if people aren't responsible enough to quit smoking, should they be forced? And gambling your money away at a casino may be stupid, but should we stop people from gambling? The fact is, this country is about freedom; freedom to do stupid, dangerous, idiotic things. The government should not tell me when to wear a seatbelt, how often to brush my teeth, how to spend my money, or how many hours of sleep to get per night. This is America!