So, currently the biggest building in the Western hemisphere is the Sears Tower, located in Chicago. However, just today, it is renamed to be The Willis Tower. This is gay. The biggest US building is now owned by a london company. (nothing against people from london) but this suppose to represent Chicago and only Chicago. Why couldn't they just buy some of a different building Source
All my life it has been the Sears Tower. Now, some douche comes in and changes the name because he has a lot of money? No. It's still the Sears Tower. I say we light the guy's house on fire.
**** YEAH!!!!!! *Gets torches* Anyway, I don't really see why he would change the damn name... I mean honestly its kind of vain and pointless.
Seriously, I was just going post a thread on this but for better intentions I decided to check if it was already done and it is. Personally, just like everyone else I also believe this is a foolish decision on the behalf of this company. The Sears Tower has been a known landmark and building by many countries and people. With the name change to the Willis Tower all of those people in different countries will have no clue what the Willis Tower is when they know it by its name. Yet I'm sure people from other countries will know it when they see it but not when somebody is talking about it. I live in Chicago and I know there is a good amount of members on Forgehub who reside in the Chicago area. The fact that all my life that I'm used to calling this building The Sears Tower and now it's called The Willis Tower. I don't know about other people but I know for a fact that for the rest of my life I will be calling it the Sears Tower. Just like one oft the major Performing Centers right by house has gone through a series of name changes I still call it the name that I was used to when I was kid and my mom calls it the name she is used too.(First Midwest Bank Amphitheater, Tweeter Center, The World, and some others)