Sea Breach

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by jg550, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. jg550

    jg550 Forerunner

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    This Map was an idea i got from playing a game in one similar, i wanted to remake it since i liked it was underwater.... very deep underwater, of course mine is cooler, and the game type is also cooler, not to brag.

    There are two teams, blue team grabs the bomb and has to move threw obstacles to plant the bomb at red teams outpost. its under water and you will be shot with grenade launchers and other explosives.
    Planting the bomb ^

    Falling debri, that could be fatal, and some view of underwater cover. view from outpost.


    you cant really see much because of graphics, but its underwater very deep.
    #1 jg550, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2011

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