This is my first map, and I would like to know what you all think of it. It is a slayer map, mad for vertical and medium to short range combat. It is called Sea Base, and it is a easy map to learn, but EXETREMLY hard to master. It has a hidden rocket launcher, and grenade launcher, and concussion rifle. If you like it, please tell me if it could be improved, and I will work on it. It can hold up to 6 players on a team, and 12 total. The New Overhead MAP UPDATES- I added another Walkway away from Red Base, leading to the Bunker. I also moved teh Rocket Launcher, to make it so that players using Jetpacks are teh only ones able to get it. The two Turrets you see in the picture above were also removed, due to being overpowered. Spawns were fixed, and 3 more respawn points were added.
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this looks good for a first time forge.. i would suggest adding an additional way to get up to the upper bridge in the middle, other than just the 1 bunker ramp building.
There actually is a gravity lift on the other side. It's hard to see, but you can see it from the overhead shot.
Maybe make the bases a bit bigger, with more than one way out, and this would make a hectic and fun CTF map
It really has been. On the games that I have played on here, It's difficult to figure out exactly where everybody is, what they are doing, and then while you are trying to figure it out, BOOM, you fall in the water! it really is a alot of fun though.