DOWN LOAD Welcome to The Se7enth Column a small Asymmetrical map. I have designed the entire map around Bungie's infamous logo. With open areas and small winding corridors, I have created a map that can and will be loved by the masses. No matter what fighting style you play there is something in this map for everyone. some sections of the maps geometry and weapons will change depending on symmetrical or asymmetrical game type best played with 4v4 WEAPONS battle rifle (10 sec and 45 sec respawn time) covenant carbine (45 sec respawn time) smg (10 sec respawn time) spikier (30 sec respawn time) shot gun (note does not spawn at start and has a 45 sec spawn time) spanker (note does not spawn at start and has a 150 sec spawn time limited ammo) sniper (note on asymmetrical it spawns on defenders side and spawns at start. on symmetrical it spawns on attackers side and does not spawn at start) EQUIPMENT plasma nades fire bombs regenerator (does not spawn at start 45 sec respawn rate) bubble shield (does not spawn at start 45 sec respawn rate) starting area for the defenders also note that these are the 6th,7th, and 1st columns shown in this picture 2nd, and 3rd columns shown in this pictures starting area for the attackers also not that these are the 3rd, and 4th columns shown in this picture 4th and 5th columns shown in this picture here are some action shots A sniper in the defenders starting area trying to take out the attackers occupied hill Defending the flag one kill at a time Attackers taking the side route for the score A flag dash straight down the middle Defending the hill Pushing the attacker back with a plasma nade DOWN LOAD This map has been brought 2 u by DIVISION 69 check out my other great maps Claustrophobia F.U.B.A.R. Core Barrier Tower 1 4Runner Tele Horror Transgression Aspire High Treason Some feed back would be appreciated. Thanks
WOW...... I think I see feature material. This map is great the center 7th column the base right beside it.... perfect just perfect. The floors are smooth everthing is smooth and the little windows here and there are beatiful. You need to keep forging and make even more maps. DL
Hmm.. I like the attackers spawn.. And Aesthetics ...? Amazing No doubt.. Il download this map and test it out il be back with the results.
I saw this map, and I have to say im very impressed with this entire thing you've got going here. The post itself was very well coordinated and looks very aesthetically pleasing - You have managed to make me read your entire post, which is a hard thing to do as I'm usually not fussed with maps nowadays This map looks stunning with an innovative layout and clever basing around an iconic symbol . Ill be sure to write a full review in about 5 minutes <3 Chicken Dippah
thats awsome, great idea to make an emblem based map, i do that with guns, but this is great. only thing- that looks more like rampancy instead on 7th column
this is beautiful. It's simply beautiful. Gameplay looks great, it has some pretty good aesthetics, a nice overall design, 4/5.
amazing just amazing the bases are just short of godly and the se7enth-column is what made this map just stand out love just loooove it i will give a better over view after i play on it
lol thanks man im glad u like it and ill keep making em if u keep playing them i look foward to your review and suggestions on how to imrove my skills Really im not familar with the rampency logo im sure know if i saw it u got me 5/5 would be better lol...4/5 ill take it =]
wow this looks really nice... smooth interlocking... nice layout looks good... from wat i can tell weapons seem good... this is really nice maybe a bit more pop like oversheild and invis for the sides but i cant say forsure... nice nice job... looks tight keep the maps coming
This is one of the most original competitive maps that I've seen in a while. You nailed the design flawlessly and the interlocking is superb. I really expect some great gameplay from this map and a possible feature. Good job. 5/5
thanks those r bothe good suggestions i figured the map was to small to implement a overshield or camo though wow thanks i always try to push the envolope and feature....that would be great! thanks im glad it worked out lol...what r u on and why arent u sharing lol
i love the map's asthetics as well as the gameplay which is cool cuz its focused AROUND the se7enth column. but i dont understand why you used sender nodes to hold the top or the barriers in place.... were weapon holders no longer an option?
This map is very well done. I just love the aesthetic touches like the centerpiece. Everything looks straight and clean. This is one of the most original competitive maps that I've seen in a while. You nailed the design flawlessly and the interlocking is superb. It's simply beautiful! The post itself was very well coordinated and looks very aesthetically pleasing! Slick editing of the shots with cool labeling and well taken. I like the first picture with the "logo" thingie. I like your choices of weapons too. Gameplay is probably amazing =). I'm definitely going to download and play on this incredible map. EXELLENT WORK Keep making maps, you are very talented!
Wow.....thanks im glad u like it i remade the center piece 3 times lol just to get it the way i wanted it and im glade it all came together i hope u have as much fun playing on it then i had making it later
Wow, this map looks great. I really like how you made it. The map is well thought out, and it looks like it was made for great gameplay, as well as great looks. 5/5
Thanks i like team slayer and koth best sinlge flag is good but due to the small area it makes it a very fast game and if the teams r not evenlly matched then it's fast paste massacre so i dont suggest single flag or assult unless u know for sure that both teams are evenlly ranked 5/5 ill take it =]
Looks like a nice map, i really love the aesthetics, also i think the shooting range thing is cool (theres a wall then a space than another wall on top of it). I think the interlocking was done professionally , also the seventh column was definetly a hit, made the map real interesting. But lets see what the map reviewer says. Map Reviewer: Overall:5/5 Aesthetics:5/5 Interlocking:5/5 Design:5/5 You aced the test!