My best attempt to get back into photoshop. Edit: Hmm, it's not wanting to embed. Direct link above. Edit 2: Got it!
That looks amazing! I love the text and the dots to the right of him... If you blew that up I would totally use it as a wallpaper.
i dont like the dot effect on the right side.. but thats personal taste.. and also, on the flipper to the right, I don't like how the color is split into the lighter blue.... Ok enough nitpicking, overall is great.. and you should make it a wallpaper lol..
It drags the main focus of the picture away. If you put it as the path he's traveling from, it would make more sense. Or you could use it to decorate the character. Such as putting it behind him.
I love it. It feels so... perfect. The only thing I dont like that much is this triangle over the divers head. Question... Do you go scuba diving?