Tried a sig without halo lol... experimented a bit... I hated how not vibrant it was though, and I couldnt get the color to be more vibrant in a way that looked good so I just left it as is.
umm you forgot to imbed? lol and once again, im the first to post on your thread woah the text is great! i especially like the part that says "imagine" BG looks good, and the lighting is nice.idk really how you would add depth so disregard that i guess lol. also, your border is meh, but thats no matter. there ya go! and imbed it!
@Knight- Thanks... sorry I didn't embed lol... I thought I did, but I was rushing to go shower when I posted so I didnt check lol. And thanks about the text =) @Night- Of course I'm gettin it! It looks absolutely awesome. @Loshon- thanks. =)
Lol, I could seriously just stare at it all day, the colors are amazing. Then you added the black border? What are those black lines on the left though, look like spider webs kind of? D; Sig is amazing, makes everything feel so calm ^^ Could you possibly make a tut?