Okay, Just gonna vent a bit here. Has anything like this happened to you? Okay, so I did bad on one math test, brought my grade down 1% lower than my parents like it to be at, so after recently finishing an assignment that I KNOW what my grade on it is(completion grade), I did some math. It will be enough to bring up my grade that 1%. My dad is aware of this, but still refuses to let me have certain privileges(Xbox, limited time w/ friends, etc.). So, the only thing preventing this is my lazy ass math teacher who won't post the grades even though it's as simple as punching some numbers into the computer. She always does this, procrastinating on entering grades, and I don't even get a look at what my grade is until half-way through the quarter. It just pisses me off. </rant>
Focusing your blame on the wrong person. You don't know for sure whether your teacher is putting off entering your grade. But you parentes ARE forcing you to retain a certain grade, which is just shoddy parenting. Would it be too much for them to handle if their son wasn't as smart as they want him to be? What's next, being grounded for having freckles? Spell "lieutenant" or you're grounded?
Yes I do. She even said she didn't feel like entering them, or teaching us the new lesson today in class. I wouldn't rant if I didn't know for sure.
Deal with it. My parents are twice as strict as yours. I am never, ever able to play xbox during a schoolweek.
My parents are super strict. "D in Math? Are you ****ing stupid?" Couldn't even look at technology for a month.
Honestly. Limited time with friends? When I was around your age, I'd guess, and lived with my parents, if I got a C, I would be considerably paler by the time I got it back to a B. I'd get an A or a B. It was pretty much that simple, they refused to let me get anything below. Yes, while it may be bad parenting, your life is still a gulf distance better than some unluckier folk. Just learn to be content.
I keep an A average, and it's not enough. But if my mother even comes near my computer and xbox, I give my mother a look and she backs off. If I can't have My computer I bought myself for having a 90 average, she can't have internet connection and I'll block the WiFi for her computer.
Same here. They freak if I have a C even though I'm in honors class. I'm also veeerrry limited on xbox during the weekend as well. An hour, 2-3 if I'm lucky. I've played during the schoolweek once in my life, and it was rockband with a couple of buddies. I'm not mad about being grounded, and they don't limit my time with anything but xbox as of today, but I'm mad that my damn math teacher is too lazy to post the grade. This thread is more of my rant to lazy people.
Your parents sound stupid. Taking time with friends from you is so counter-intuitive. They're morons, basicly.
Then unless there is something you aren't telling me, what could possibly be stopping you from lodging a formal complain. Preferably the kind with the phrase "flaunted her refusal to teach new lessons".
well I did want to take advantage of a movie day , but My parents and I are seriously considering either talking to her or the principal about it. And to clear this up, my parents DIDN'T directly limit me from friends, just during the week because they thought it's because I wasn't doing my homework. They later found out I did all of it. It was just to make sure I'm doing my schoolwork.
Two suggestions: One: Maybe your parents should stop being so asian Two: Maybe you should've studied harder for that math test in the first place.
One: Parents aren't asian. they thought I wasn't doing the homework. Two, math teacher admited to us she under prepared us. I studied like hell, but only on what she'd taught us.
I'm in an extended class (we're a year ahead of everyone else in our grade) so we pretty much have to keep our grades above C, otherwise it's something to worry about. Basically, for my class: A: above standard B:Expected standard C:Below standard And we're doing the hard work. So it's hard for us, but your situation... ****, that maths teacher is lazy.
I'm a year ahead, and in honors but they don't expect us to do anything different. I'm a freshman in a sophomore honors so it's not really special in any way. And she's finally getting around to posting it guys! Hopefully sometime in the next few days! /sarcasm
My parents really don't regulate my grades, mainly because I am more worried about them then they are. Currently taking 5 AP courses and held straight A's cept for a B in physics, and my parents probably don't even know my grades lol. I got nothing to complain about parenting wise, but i hate to hear about parents that go gaga over grades when grades really depend on their parenting and the kids ability to focus, neither of which are really the kids fault. As for your teacher, I had a teacher like that last year and I, along with all of my other classmates, complained about her until she kept a steady online gradebook. It works.