This is Forge Hub's Screenshot of the Week, equivalent to Signature of the Week in Graphics & Arts, except with Halo 3 screenshots. If this goes well, I will be continuing this and hopefully it becomes popular. Each week I'll come up with a new theme, then you go out and capture a screenshot that represents that theme. The community then votes for which screenshot should win, and why. Last weeks theme was Colour Scheme Congratulations to Lildrummer714. Feel free to recommend themes to me via PM or via This Thread 1 Week for submissions of the Screenshots and 1 week for voting. Now to start. This Weeks Theme was Electricity. To Vote say the name of your favorite screenshot's maker as a post. Submissions: Farbeef Miraj AceSnip3r MultiLockOn AceOfSpades
hey how come the screenshot i posted is in here. oh well i guess i vote for MultiLockOn also i have a theme idea for next week how about dark vs light
MultiLockOn 1. Good effect, good angle 2. I can't vote for myself 3. One of them seems panoramic. I don't know if it's just me. Hard theme.
Miraj Better play with the composition, and the electricity behind him gives off a better ambient light on the armor than the rest. Also is the clearest to understand (least focal diversions). If you have an idea for a theme, post about it in the Discussion Thread.
MultiLockOn He has the best angle in my opinion and the rocket launcher incorporated in the pic is good in my opinion. Also, the lightning effects on the bubble shield are shiny and pretty cool...
I vote for multilockon because i dont like the big thing at the bottom of miraj's pic but acctually i dont think any of them are that great (yes including my own)
I just realized I had a screenshot I could have submitted this week. Oh, well. I like AceSnip3r's pic because its the least crowded out of all of them (that sharp blue to black is pretty neat). The others are good but there is so much going on its hard to tell what your meant to be looking at.