Hey, I've been using Hypercam 2 (Free download) for years. It sucks beyond all comprehension, I've been trying to find a good FREE one that doesn't have any of that watermark crap also. It you have a good one that can record sound and preferably has no watermark then I am all ears. Also, if anyone can tell me how to record sound on Hypercam, I would love you forever. I use Hypercam for small things, but right now I need it for a movie that can record a good FPS and sound without it being really crappy quality. If you don't know one that is free and works for these specs, enlighten me and I'll check it out.
Here's one: http://www.techsmith.com/ The program itself is called Snagit. It records sound, and it fully functional (as far as I know) without having to pay. Only downside is that it's a trial. But you can always re-download it. Oh, and to record sound on HyperCam, go to the AVI tab, and click "record sound". Then, go to the "sound" tab. You can change the quality of the recorded sound there.
Wait, I forgot (oops). You also have to set up the computer to record sound, not just hypercam. Here's how: 1. Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Entertainment -> Volume Control 2. Then, go to options-> Properties, and check "Recording", like below. Make sure You select Stereo mixer. Thats what you need to record. 3. Check the box under the "Stereo Mixer" column, then adjust the volume for that. And that should make it record. You should probably do a few test records to make sure it doesn't record sound to loud (it will).
Vista... No. I don't have Vista (and i didn't know that you did either :squirrel_shiftyeyes Well, I would imagine that it would be similar to XP... Well, if it doesn't help you, at least it can help others