mg:not much but its screen shots none the less : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
You need to embed your pics. But on to the pics, I don't really see much spectacular here. Not bad for first time around, but take a look through the screenshot guides to see how to make some pretty cool effects. Personally I'm curious, what'd you use to make the recon pic wth? like what object did you use to make the letters?
Hmm the first one is kind of boring, but the second one is kind of interesting. I would like to know how you did that, its kind of cool. And the third one would have been better if you got the head of the elite lifted up a little bit. I would embed your pictures in this thread
I'm pretty sure those are little modded lights. I've seen them before in a foundry map that was filled with water. Yeah besides the second one, the other two are kind of boring. I do always love making one thing bigger though, like the giant cone.
yea they are modded lights. ANyway I like big elite the best, looks like a dino staring down a human.
first embed your pics. and did you take these? The shots are taken by two different gamertags. Hmmm, i smell conspiracy.
Actually i think that he really does have too But ya i think now that the lights are the lights of the crane or whatever just modded.
Really? My bad, I thought posting a link to the picture was enough. Anyway didn't you get that message? Everyone I know got a message that said "download this map" it says the author of the map is Bungie.
You know that light that is on the main crane in the center of Foundry? that. That is also modded content. So OP man, I suggest you remove that before you get raped by Bungie's Ban-hammer. :/ Oh yea and an infraction ^_^
the second pic was from a map called Recon which had "Recon" modded with the light on Foundry's crane. it was passed around the MLG playlist ( ppl sending to their Recent Players list). the reason i wrote that is because im not sure if you're allowed to have modded content on FH.