That's pretty cool, but the fact that the rock takes up a good half of the picture kinda detracts from it.
yeah i know :\ but otherwise you can see all the sniper bullet trails and stuff, and his weapons flying away.. grr weapons are so annoying when your trying to take a good pic of someone dying. i was thinking it would be cool if someone could write "Teh Mastar" across the face of that rock, all perspective'd and proffesional looking.. it'd make a sweet sig.
Reminds me of a pic my friend took when he was boarding a Warthog. He had his arms spread, and he was kinad crouched, it was awesome!
omg! I totally have never fallen down before and I neeeeeeed a pic of it. Try a new concept ( and that does not mean a gut getting shot or walking)
I reckon he's like using hand signals to communicate with his squad, before they run out and dominate the red team
i think the rock adds to the picture it gives a hidden point of view where if it was all open and grassy it wouldn't look as if he was trying to hide nice picture and good shot
lol that is cool. i got one like this, except the guy had his hand on his katana and was looking like he was about to pull it out.
why are you allways like that? you say crap about other people yet we dont see much comming out of you...
does anyone else think this looks like Steve Irwin (RIP)? Looks like he's just telling the camera "Crikey! Behind this rock is an huge (pronounced an uge) croc. Let's have a go at this one mate!" just my two cents
It honestly looks like he is playing football with the rock, master chief would be an intimidating football player, I wonder who would win, a team of elites or a team of mister cheifs?