Dude, this is so old. That picture has been on the internet for like forever. Although, it was Japan that developed it, not Washington.
Well this was new... i think there was an older one, but this is talking about newly developed technologies, actual materials.
But finding out pointless things is every scientist's job! (scientist 1 to scientist 2): "have you found a cure for cancer yet?" (scientist 2 to scientist 1): "no, i'm busy finding out how many wine gums it takes to choke a parakeet!"
ahh, but the thing is, you'll still be detectable to some things sonar is one of them, and that is pretty simple, although a little innacurate for imaging radar isnt one, cos its radio waves which are 3m long infra-red imaging probably would still work, so an invisible cloak of this isnt that much "OMGWTFTHISISCRAZYSHIT"
F-f-fantastic spam! Requesting lock. The thread is interesting and all, but said cloak is still a way off. Even the type of invis on Bond's Aston in Die Another Day is about 30 years ahead of real life. Also it's hardly a top priority at current.