Hello everyone, I'm going back to highschool in just over a week, I'm going to try and get a head start on my exam folios, as my last years work wasent up to par, I was more envolved with family issues at the time, so this year its definately a fresh start. I have an awesome idea, I'm going to start with my english folio and start writing random essays and book reports so I can get ahead this year. Here are the subjects I picked for last year which also I have this year: English - Computing Studies Maths - Modern Studies * Chemistry*' - Business Management Art - French *' The subjects with a star next to them, that I truely know I'll fail. Although if the have ' that simbol next to them I don't need it for my future game design coarse in college. For my college coarse in the future I need the following qualifications: One Higher (O level) Standard english Standard maths and 2 other average standard marks. But, at the moment that is unlikely as I never study, even though I know I'm really intellegent I just don't try I'm normally really lifeless in school, no energy. Even though, I got the highest grade for computing studies, My report from my teachers was: "Steven is a really intellegent student, though does not use that to his advantage... if he was to study and do more homework he would pass all of his exams with ease, Steven should go to supported study after school and try alot harder to reach his potiential." From now on you guys I'm asking a major favour your all really smart most of you are alot older and have been through exams and qualifications, I need advice I'm only 15 and I inspire to become a games designer/programmer/tester anything to do with games would be perfect. I'm going to ask for your help and start posting my essays and homeworks on here I'll type up a first draft of an essay put it on here, you guys if you will could tell me what needs added or edited and I'll be so greatful (might even get you a rep up +) Thanks for your advice in advance. Steve x
Not a bad idea to submit drafts. But you said last year, its still 2008. You americans... in Australia our school year takes place wthin the same year.
Lol I aint even american, I live in Scotland (britain) well, you know what I mean last term not last year
Its totally different over here. Basically I'm on my summer holidays (vacation whatever) I have just over a week before I start 4th years I'm 15 though the year system is competely different here, 4th year is the year you do important exams.
In Australia, because our summer is Dec, Jan and Feb, we have our long break at the end of the year. I'm currently in Year 11, the second to last year. and I'm in the 2nd semester right now which started a few weeks ago.
Oh, thats confussing I'm jelous you have the sunshine to study in I get a freezing cold Porta-cabin to have classes in. (half the school was burnt down)
Lucky you, So what do you think about me posting my 1st drafts, then get help off of forgehub to make it a masterpiece?