^^CLICK PICTURE FOR DOWNLOAD^^ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION: First of all, this map was made for the Template Contest 6. See template contest submissions here. I created this map so that people would exercise strategy. This is an area where tactics claim superiority over all else. My original thoughts were to make an immense map with tons of platforms. Then I reconsidered and decided to try and stay within the budget limit, while still trying to make the map feel as vast as possible. I believe that I have accomplished this goal through many things. I have made the map fairly large, vehicle friendly, and I have also created several "obstacles" so as to present cover and to provide lots of vehicle fun. Well, lets put it this way. I spent about 45 minutes just driving the warthogs around and plowing over things... by myself (lol). I hope you download and have fun! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INCLUDES: Vehicle friendly environment All gametypes The use of MANY respawns Fun and interesting gameplay ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FORGING TECHNIQUES: [ ___ ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PICTURES: Map Overview Middle/Red Base Area Lift and Rocket Area (Middle) Middle Overview ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AN ENDING NOTE: There are barely any weapons shown in the pictures, so here's a list (of what I can think of): BRs Assault Rifles 2 Covenant BR things (forget what they're called) 2 Snipers 1 Rocket 1 Shotgun 1 Active Camo 2 Energy Drainers 1 Bubble Shield 4 Grenades 4 Spike Grenades 2 Maulers 2 Spikers 2 SMGs 2 Plasma Rifles I'm pretty sure that's it... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THANKS! Thanks for taking a look! (click top picture for download)
There needs to be places you can't get picked off by a turret. Maybe you could add some buildings or structures to add on to the base, but not be playable on, to improve aesthetics. 3/5 great template use.
This is where tactics come into hand. You may notice the MANY barriers set around for cover and a few shield doors. There are 2 energy drainers, 4 spike grenades, and one rocket. You also start out with 2 regular grenades. Sometimes less is more. I didn't want to create too much and i still wanted it to look large and open like. Plus I wanted to stay within the budget, which is nearly at it's limit already. I don't want to budget glitch the map for fear of lag. And the contest is focused on gameplay. I already have added aesthetics, adding more would just add more reasons for lag. I'm trying not to be harsh. Thanx for the comment.
Looks great, especially after i noticed it was using the template! There could be some good skirmishes with the battle rifle and assault rifle, people really want to get to each other. There would be amazing battles if there's quite a few power weapons. Great job, it really goes well with the template!
just kinda random question... you said there were no floating objects but those walls kinda are floating. hope this doesn't count as 'spam'.
The map does seem a bit opened, too much space. I mean, I know you have to have those warthogs for the template but it still seems a bit too spacey.
i think the map has potential. i like the back. but then it it looses its feel. i think if you were to work on some structures you could make a very nice map. try to forge some different things. if you need some help let me know.
Oh, well i was thinking about floating movable objects... because those actually take skill and the walls are just floating without the help of anything... idk, lol Really? Everyone thinks it's too open?.. well, I guess it's kind of like the beach on last resort... that's open and has vehicles. Well, I think it's just fine, and we'll see how it rates in the contest.