Do you have this little habit? When interlocking scenery, you set an object/scenery item (wall, ramp, stairs) to place at start = NO. You also select Respawn Rate = Long enough to do the job! When you get through with your task of interlocking... Do you change the respawn rate back to 30? I don't think it is necessary, but I think it may possibly be a habit that many Forgers share. Can it slow us all down from Forging faster? [corny]You can be neat and fast, but still convey the same message.[/corny] well, Do you have the habit? /spacer /spacer /spacer /spacer /spacer/spacer /spacer
No, I don't see why I should, it's immovable scenery... Why should I change the respawn rate to 30 if it spawns at start, never moves and never blows up?
Don't judge me dude. The man tries to keep me from doing it, but all I am give peace a chance.