Scare City Creator: o TastyMango o A very unique hide & seek map that you will have a blast playing in! Link to map:Scare City Scare City supports 2-12 players. The gametype can be found here. Gametype Details: -Zombies are invincible (this is a hide & seek variant, so that the mortals have to hide to win, not run around killing the zombies) -Zombies are faster and can jump higher -Zombie Weapons: a.Energy Sword b.Magnum (will be explained later) Scare City Details: -Many, Many, Many places for you and your teamates to hide and try not to be eaten by the zombies -Zombies spawn inside of a trap that they will not be able to get out of until 45 seconds have passed, which then it will start to get darker and the streetlights will come on. Once the fusion coils spawn, the zomibes will shoot them with their magnums and begin their brain hunting frenzy. -Map gets darker as time goes on, yada, yada -6 minutes for the humans to win -More details that you will have to play to find out The Story You and your friends find that you are in a strange and weird city. It seems abandoned as you walk outside. You see a rundown treehouse and mutliple buildings. You wondered what happended hear. Wait...what was that. Did you just hear something. Nah, you shake it off and keep exploring. You find some dead bodies laying around and you notice that...well...their brains have been removed. It is getting a little bit darker now and you realize you should probably leave. Once the sun goes down behind the mountain, panic sirens start to blast throught the city. You start to get a little frantic and tell your teamates to split up and try and find somewhere to camp the night. You are walking under a bridge and a streetlight comes on above you and you wonder how were the lights working in a rundown town like this?!? You hear some scuttling near you. You turn around and see nothing. You hear footsteps about twenty yards behind you. You turn around to look, but see nothing as it is getting too dark. You hear a scream. "Captain, CAPTAIN! The zom..zombies just killed Pvt. Cab" you hear from your embedded headset in your helmet. You try to respond, but you hear the unsheathing of an energy sword. You run to the nearest hiding spot you could find and you get yourself situated. You hear a rasping sound and heavy footsteps below you. You see the zombie about 10 feet below you on the ground sniffing around. You shoot your plasma pistol at the beast. It turns around and you think it sees you, but it doesn't. It sees your buddy above you. The zombie jumps into the air past you, and begins to feast on your comrades brain. You start to run. It is so dark now that the only light you see is from the street lights and the beacons of light on the ground. You travel up into the shoddy treehouse you saw earlier and try to take refuge their. You ask your teamates through your mic, What is your SITREP team. No response...just radio silence and static. You begin to realize you are the last man standing. Do you have what it takes to survive the night? Or will you perish like your teamates & the other citizens of Scare city before you? Notables: 1.The pics do not show everywhere you can hide. You have to figure that out for yourself. 2.This is a great map for hide and seek and was made just for it, so that it would not get old. 3. There is a secret room that you can get to, but you have to find it for yourself Pic Slideshow Embedded Pics: Zombie Spawn A Way out for the zombies Hiding on Zombie Spawn LOL! Sneaky Snake Sly Dog Well Hidden, eh? Does the zombie see him? TREEHOUSE! Secret Room... Battle by a Lamp He's coming for you. Thank you guys for reading this and checking out my map. Please, if you download it, comment on it and rate it. Thank you so much!
Thank you for the comments. if you download it, comment on your playing experience on the bungie thread please.
Yeah, I only put 2 zombie spawn points, where they are supposed to spawn. If you have alot of people then there will be 3 zombies at the start and it spawns near everyone. I will make a V2.