DL LINK WENT MISSING BUT I FOUND IT AGAIN Halo 3 File Details <-DOWNLOAD HERE yes im back with more treats. V12. i hope you all enjoy. ive improved on many aspects of my scarab V11 to create this beast i also made a new leg design for it because alot of my friends told me they liked the scarab legs with stairs and i like them with boxes. i decided to mix both of those two ideas together and it turned out beautiful. and of course what everyone is waiting for! the pictures!!!!!! OVERVIEW LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE HEAD There are a couple ways to get into the head. ONE way in 2ND WAY IN (this is located in the bridges over the head. you wont get in unless you kind of wiggle in the hole. BTW its a 1 way hole LOL) THIRD way in the third is the same as the first except on the other side. FORTH WAY IN (A mongoose door in the hangar behind the stairs to get ontop of the scarab RIGHT SIDE FRONT LEG (the same as the left side front leg) RIGHT SIDE BACK LEG BACK(back/hangar thingy) now one of my most notoriously noted things about my scarabs THEY BLOW UP GEWD! except this one kind of doesnt the explosion isnt very big cuz i made it that u destroy a grav lift to blow it up instead of punching a fusion coil. punching a fusion coil can kill you in the process n i decided to change it to a switch. SAD FACE THE EXPLOSION R SMALL turret on the side and of course the wraith on top as usual
This is, actually the most Scarab looking Scarab I've seen! You Forged this piece of quality very well intogether! Nice Forging, good Interlocking from what I can see, the switch looks good, not too original, but hey, it doesn't kill you, too bad the explosion is small, maybe make a chain of Fusion Coils, that leads to a pile again?
These maps can be great but only if done right. If this was neater than it would be great ,but its not that neat. If you made it neater than i would download, but i could never make something like this. Try checking out other scarab maps for more ideas i personally like the map end of the world that has a scarab in ,but anyway better luck next time. l)
neat?? wow lets see u guys try making a scarab -.- n yeah not so origional no rly im offended considering it does say V12!! hmm what can the V stand for considering a couple months ago there was a scarab V11? and a couple months b4 that there was a scarab V10? hmmm idunno not origional LOL. n it is actually very neat. no bumps when you walk on it and when you go up the stairs from the hangar u cant fall in the hole to the head. you have to actually try to get into the head -.- EDIT:if you want neat then whats not neat about it????
Looks a lot like a scarab. There is a way to hit the fusion coil and don't take any damage/die. i think you put a shield door in front of the fusion coil and when hit, no damage/death. but overall, 9.99/10.
there is a v12 in the title i think its clear its not the first time anyone tried this very cool scarab two quick questions is it playable? and is it infection-able?
Ty Ppl Who Dont Go "oh Its Not Neat Better Luck Next Time" EDIT:i wouldve quoted ping pong but i cant without making another post so ill just put this in teh edit. Pingpong its playable and infectionable if you make it. im open to ppl making gametypes for my maps, so if you wanna make a cool infection of it then by all means go ahead. you can add things to the map to if you want as long as u give credit for making the actual scarab to me. idc if you make a map with the scarab in it and say its your map as long as u say i did the scarab.
i love seeing people making scarabs and i love this one. 5/5!!!!! it isn't all the crooked and sloppy at all
There are a lot of scarabs. Some awesome and some terrible. This is somewhere between good and great with a pinch of awesome. Sorry there isn't much to say about something that has been done hundreds of times lol.
Wow this is pretty neat! Its one of the better scarab maps I've seen. I like that you can blow up the scarab without dying.
i actually love this scarab. i think it looks like scarab, with some cool features. i think you finally nailed it after 12 tries haha
WOW, simply WOW, im new here at forge hub so this is totally original for me, ive never seen anything like it and i wish i could make somthing as good as that. mabye one day =) 10/10 and ill defo b downloading.
I really like your scarab but a Version twelve?!?!?!? Don't you think thats a little of an obsession? jk. But really I would have given up at 2- 3 tops. I'll Dl and see how it plays
up until 10 i didnt put much detail into them because i wasnt a member of forge hub and i didnt know how to interlock so really v12 is a huge improvement since 8 or 9. i joined forgehub at 10 and if i still had 8 n 9 i would show you how crappy they were b4 i came here. b4 forgehub i could make like 3 crappy ass no interlocking scarabs a day. now i can make 1 scarab per couple days
This is great! It's just like the campaign Scarabs. I think this is the best one I have seen. I particularly like the legs and back (ooh...). Anyway, great job, keep it up!
i think im about done with h3 scarabs until we get a new map like foundry but bigger and better, so now im gonna start workin on h2 scarabs. ive got one in the making already.