DOWNLOAD HERE!!! yar.. as you can see ive made another scarab.. this one is Version 11. yes 11. i thought i was done with scarabs but then i got all these requests for more!! so i gave in to them and here we are! this is a overview. its hard to get a good overview because of foundrys limited ceiling space. The Turret A BIG LEG Lower leg/ foot Another overview Inside storage bay The head shooting P.S its hard to make a scarab head.. this is the best i could do without looking at any pictures so you like it or what? in my opinion i think its better than the one before this. the V10 oh yeah.. last but not least.... when you blow it up the turret explodes off As i said before when i made my V10, this is strictly a Aesthetic map. if you wanna turn it into a map with gameplay.. be my guest! to get into the scarab head you go under the head jump up and hold RB. Its a little sloppy but i dont really feel like taking the time to make it even better because im in washington(The state) right now and DAMN ITS HOT it got to 96 yesterday. im afraid of my xbox overheating because my old one did and got red rings n they couldnt fix it so i had to get a new one. anyway.. enjoy! OH YEAH IF YOU WANNA CONTACT ME ON XBOX LIVE MY GAMERTAG IS XxAbstainxX <--means to hold back not same as Abstainence <---means to not have sex dont joke me bout that its hella annoying. DOWNLOAD HERE!!! : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Cool map man, very nice. My only problem is that some of the legs don't appear to be connected together. Other than that it is great.
Line it with fusion cores. When my scarabs blow up. You need to get the **** off of them Like in campaign, the explosion murders you if you're remotely within distance?
I like the aspect of kind of "destroying" the scarab. Overall it is one of the best Scarab maps that I have seen. 4/5
Unfortunatley I've seen one that was made by someone who is either an excellent artist or has to much time on his hands. But it's pretty good except the legs could be better. I know the legs are hard, I've tried (79H-H "Mammoth) and it's still messy. I like the middle section of the scarab. That's just plain good right there. But I look forward to seeing more maps from you. My rating of this map: 3.7/5
Hmm, i've seen better, but i have also seen worse, i like some things about yours tho, like the dock area, and also the blue ray, however, i think it could use a little work on the legs and top, the wraith seems like it could be driven off, and the legs look like blocks, i like the idea of using stairs upside down and curved to make the legs better nice idea tho,
Ive seen many more scarabs than this and this one is sloppy couldve made inside better also! But i guess its a good try.
What did you use to make the beam coming out of the scarab head? Awesome map. I think it is the most realistic one i have yet to see.
hmmm, the more I think about it, the better of an Idea it seems to make this on Avalanche. The forge palette is definitely good enough, and with a little effort and a forge technique or two, you can easily make that Avalanche Scarab playable! The Breakdown: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playability: As you mentioned, this is strictly an aesthetics map, so I can't really bash on it too hard here. I would like to see a version that's playable, if possible. Score: 0/5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quality: The map has interlocking, which may not be a Forge Hub requirement, it is one of mine. The map also utilizes almost all of foundry, so there is definitely room to move around. Finally, although it doesn't matter in this situation, It would make an awesome Slayer/KOTH/Territories map. Score: 5/5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aesthetics: The map is by far the best Scarab Map I have ever seen, and I've seen quite a few. You paid close attention to detail and made sure that everything was in order. I rest my case. Score: 5/5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL VERDICT: 4.5/5 Suggestions: - Please make one on Avalanche that's playable!
SCARAB ahhhhhh..... be super duper fun 1 way assault blow up the scarab while others are inside defending thad be insane good work
this is really good and all, but seriously? V11?!?!? YOu obviously have really nice forge talent, so why are you wasting time making 11 scarabs! YOU have potential to make the next great featured map! Cmon man!