Hello fellow forgehub members! i am sebcardude but ben11177 is my gamertag (i know confusing, long story) i found out about forgehub when i was watching vids on youtube and eventully i decided to join. i hope to put some maps onto forgehub soon i know how to make floating items interlock and geomerge so if i make a map it will probably be either a infection map or a stairway, i have made a game type for climbing stairways to prevent ruining the map. But anyway i hope to make a map soon. thats all from me forgehub! P.S maps might be also be differnt game types aswell!
Welcome to ForgeHub! Nice to see you finally joined. Please read the Rules thoroughly to ensure your arrival is safe. Also, visit the Customer Service if you have any questions regarding this site.
Welcome to ForgeHub Hope you enjoy your time here. Here are some helpful videos. I know they helped me when I joined. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSAEpNYImbQ&feature=PlayList&p=3C90E843F896453C&index=0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lJPIzytPPg&feature=PlayList&p=3C90E843F896453C&index=1 ~Matt
Welcome to ForgeHub! I hope you enjoy your time here, and become the skilled mapmaker you have the potential to be! And, since no one else directly followed your thread's instructions, HELLO sebcardude!
HELLO sebcardude!! Welcome to Forge Hub. It's a great site where you'll meet all kinds of great forgers, and hopefull you become one too, unless you already are. Maybe in time you will earn the respect that's need for a colored rank. Who knows? Anyway just remember, follow rules, respect others to be respected, and most of all, have a fun time here.