Sawyer Island

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by TheOneHero, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. TheOneHero

    TheOneHero Promethean

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    Before i show you my map please check out and subscribe to my channel below for more halo maps and other reach content.
    HD Walkthroughs - YouTube
    Right, with that being said i welcome you to Sawyer Island (pronounced Soyer).This is a hunger games map that should ONLY be played with the custom gametype that is linked! The map spans around the island in forge world and you cant escape the island as there is a kill boundary. Tributes spawn on their starting blocks on top of the mountain and can choose to go for the cornercopia or make haste down the mountain. The objective is to survive and kill off other tributes using weapons found around the island. Tributes will not spawn with any weapons.

    This island was colonised back in the 1970's during the cold war to escape the troubles of the world at the time. The original founders of the island named it Sawyer Island after Fictional explorer Tom Sawyer from the Huckleberry Finn novels. Over the years the island flourished with a small but Strong community. Chapels, Radio stations and even a tower was put up. Things couldnt get better for the 'sawyans'!

    However.... In the year of 1993, a plague struck Sawyer Island. An evil that caused Famine, Illness and In general, Death!"Some say you can hear it in the wind, the evil that never sleeps" The Plague killed off Fish from the local fishing trade, it caused disease never before seen since the Black Death and Hundreds of deaths from 'natural causes'. The most common Rockslides from the mountains. Most of the people evacuated from Sawyer Island, a couple stayed behind and were killed by the evil that had fallen on this land.

    Now, 20 years later, the Hunger Games has swept the nation and as this years tribute, this is your arena! So tread lightly, survive if you can but always remember that this 'evil never sleeps......'
    Diary Logs
    Extract from the fishermans journal:
    The Fishermans shack
    Entry 27:
    I dont know what it is. The Fish yields have been dropping for days. It was another disappointing day for me im down almost half on my ususal amounts of fish. Am i doing something wrong? am i fishing in the wrong place? am I using the wrong bait? its never happened before. The other folk are getting edgy,they say theres a strange evil afoot.... CODSWALLOP. the day I see evil is the day I watch rainbows pour out of my arse. But even so, The fish better start coming back to my rod, otherwise things could get a whole lot worse on this island!......

    Entry 28:
    Panic! its everywhere! Litle Jimmy Hawthorn and his parents were crushed this morning by a big boulder that fell from the mountains. Thats the 3rd Bloody time thats happened this week. I havent got hardly any fish today and its getting worse. Everyones evacuating from the island, they've had enough. Personally, i think I might join them, surely life inland cant be any worse than this, there has to be salvation there! I Dont have time to pack up, the boats are leavin in 5 minutes. The last of the boats! this is my last entry and I hope to god i make it to shore.....

    Extract from Bill, A villager who decided to stay on the island and hold up in underground cavern (since deceased)
    Bills underground residence
    Entry 45:
    They are all wooses! leaving the island, just cause a couple of rocks fell off the cliffs and there a couple less fishies than usual! ive lived on this island for 20 years and i dont plan on leaving. Screw them all for leaving! You know what they say "when the going gets tough....." It wont be too bad, ill have the whole island to myself". The last of the boats leaves in an hour, after that, it will just be me vs the world......

    Entry 53:
    Day 8 of my Lone stand on this island. Today, i went over to ol' john's fishermans shack and tried my hand at some fishing. didnt catch a single bloody fish. I have however finished off my barricade to my new home. Oh did i mention that i moved underground. Its quite cosy actually although the front entrance is easily accessible to other animals out there......Anyway, still going strong although food might be a problem. But oh well, ill find some soon....

    Entry 59:
    Oh my GOD! WHAT HAVE I DONE! Im down to my last piece of bread and havent caught anything in a week, theres a storm outside and i dont know what to do! I tried using the radio station to get a message to mainland but it didnt work. Something was blocking my signal. I got so desperate i just came back from the chapel, place stinks in there and i think theres a rotting corpse in there. Dont think im gonna last much longer. If anyone see's this, please help me!

    Darlight Tower
    This old tower was one of the focal points of the island. The large, proud tower stands on the edge of the coast and acts as a beacon for the people of this island. It provides a great view of the island and a good spot for a marksmen among the tributes. However, since the evacuation of the island it has become sloppy in its structure, taattered and slighly overgrown.

    Fishermans shack
    this shack was run by John, the fisherman who provided a large amount of food for the island back in the day and thoroughly enjoyed his job. What remains of his property are long since forgotten items and some weopan caches.

    Camping outpost
    Set up by bill, the islands patriot after evacuation after he got paranoid about staying in his underground residence. He used the cave to smuggle away one of his most valuable posessions.

    The Chapel:
    as many of the sawyans were religious back in their time, the chapel was a popular area of the island and was popular in the time of the evil as many believed the deaths to be the wrath of god. Long since abandoned but also holds a couple of weopans within.

    Radio Broadcast Centre:
    this was the only way that the sawyans could keep in contact with mainland. Slightly hidden away on a man-made platform, this centre only now serves memories of the panic that befell the island.

    Mountain Outpost (cornercopia):
    this outpost is one of the highest points of the island and housed some villagers who assumed they were safe from rockslides if they were on top of the mountain. It was also used as sotrage by many of the townsfolk and to this day has the most valuable items on the island. If you want to get a good headstart in the games, i suggest you go there....

    Pride rock
    Not much to say about pride rock other than it can be used in the fastest way to get up off the mountain. If you climb past the cornercopia you can get to pride rock where you jump off this rock platform into a small science observatory. The special mechanics of the observatory has created a shield that will break the fall of any tribute without any damage.
    One problem that will come up in all Hunger games maps is camping, It is the gametype that is the most appetizing to campers. Why cant they simply find a nice spot and wait it out while everyone kills eachother, and unfortunately theres not much with regards to map design i can do about it. With infection and other gametypes its different, but this has no other solution other than the following.
    Before the match call out to the other tributes that there will be an anti-camping act in this game most will not know what this means.
    explain to them that it is when a game will not tolerate severe camping (e.g crouching in one spot for a decent amount of time). Tell them if they are caught camping by spectators then they will get a warning message telling them to stop. If they do not cooperate and continue to camp, they will be kicked! As simple as that, as long as you convey this clearly to your lobby, camping should not be a problem, all that is required by the lobby is patience after dieing as they my have to wait a while before starting the next round.
    My advice for this map is to learn the spots with the best weapons, get down the mountain early on find them and pick out other trbutes. Precision weapons are the best type of weapons on this map so look for those.

    Other than that guys, Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your fa....... Nah, im not gonna be that cheesey but seriously, good luck!
    #1 TheOneHero, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2012

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