ATTENTION Despite the fact that the RealWar gamemode is a variant of Territories, this is a casual map due to the teamwork expected by the players to be played right. The honour rule is in effect with RealWar. Map Overview Sawetty is a foundry map designed specifically for Territories. There are 7 different Territories to capture, each one open to be re-captured by the other team. There are more enclosed areas and open areas that allow the use of Wraiths, Warthogs and Warthog Gauss'. Portals play a big role in the more enclosed area of the map, while the open areas rely even more on teamwork. Screenshots View of the entrance to the enclosed area from blue spawn. Red spawn on the left, their vehicles on the right. The vehicle area, with the blue spawn's entrance to this area in the back. One of the more enclosed territories. Midpoint between the two main open areas. Notes: -This map is designed for Territories. -Might work fine with Slayer and Team Slayer. -This map is designed for teamwork and the RealWar gamemode. RealWar is a modified territories with realistic player jumps/walking speeds and weapons sets. -Sawetty is just the word "Sweaty" corrupt. I was just pretty tired and sweaty from a fever when I made it. (I was also pretty tired when I posted this hence the pretty to-the-pont and short explanations.) Map dl: : Halo 3 File Details RealWar V1 dl: : Halo 3 File Details Enjoy!