If you want to try a new game variant, please continue reading. Save One VIP is combination of Save One Bullet and one sided VIP. More info and fileset here: Save One VIP I wish that someone who plays a lot of custom games with 8 or more players, would test this variant and send feedback to here or to bungienet. Description (added): VIP team starts with shotguns and magnums, no radar, no weapon pickup and white armor on. VIP starts with assault rifle and magnum, 25 m normal radar, no weapon pickup, speed 75%, gravity 150%, passenger only. VIP influence gives 10 m normal radar and its radius is 15 m. VIP team is visible to everyone. Opposite team traits are similar to Save One Bullet´s zombies traits. Score: VIP team scores one point when VIP reaches goal point. Goal point moves when VIP reaches it. Opposite team score one point via killing the VIP. VIP death ends the round. 4 rounds and 5 min for each. No weapons on map and mongooses only. Thank you!
Post the varient options? Saying, someone download this and test it please, makes me think, has this guy thought it through. Just say what the different traits are and what the aim of the gametype is! EDIT: Just looked in the comments and it tells you there, you could have posted it in here Seems like a good gametype, I like the gametypes that are thought out well to play like another gametype but is actually totally a different gametype, if you get me