Save Changes Bug

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BetaWaffle, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. BetaWaffle

    BetaWaffle Guest

    As you may have noticed, sometimes "Save Changes" doesn't appear as an option. At first I thought this bug was just an irritation but in fact, it's a serious problem. Yesterday, A map I had been working on for a day and a half was accidentally saved over because the Save Changes option appeared for a map I had never saved before. At the time I was thinking, "Oh, this is convenient!", but it actually saved over the last map I had forged. Unfortunately, I had never played a custom game on it so it wasn't in Recent Maps.

    In conclusion, Bungie, I hate you.
  2. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I have found this situation to be weird. It's also a headache when some maps will allow you to save changes while others will not. I wish there was a way to explain why the option only shows up certain times while it doesn't others.
  3. EL173 R3Ap3r 257

    Senior Member

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    Don't be so bad on Bungie! :'(
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I've only happen to me once, but maaan, did it suck!! I lost the map I was working on plus another random one. I guess it wasn't going to die alone...
  5. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    I've had a couple similar experiences to Betawaffle's, but I usually just save over the canvas on accident, in which case I just download them again.
  6. Jmandaman8

    Jmandaman8 Ancient
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    s tygard the same thing has happened to me. i usually end up having to save it as a new map and change the name after i delete the previous version.
  7. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    The only time I have noticed this was when I have had another controller plugged in, I found that if you start one and then use the other controller and press start it comes back. So maybe connect another controller then press start on it then close it and go to your other one it will come up.

    EL173 R3Ap3r 257 I hope you will like the bunny you are going to get. Your signature is too large.

  8. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I haven't ever noticed something that it saves over a random map. I have however noticed that if you go to Forge and you edit the map the was already selected it usually won't let you "Save Changes". You have to go through the menu and re-select it.
  9. BetaWaffle

    BetaWaffle Guest

    Let me clarify, I was in someone else's game, it was a map I had NEVER saved before. It saved over the last map I had open in forge, 3+ hours prior.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    It's happened to me random times. Without splitscreen, with splitscreen, system linked, splitscreen/system linked, over live, by myself on live, on live with four friends. The thing just disappears!
    I eventually just save everything as Mapname001, then rename it.
  11. BetaWaffle

    BetaWaffle Guest

    Just a tip, if you ever get the Save Changes option when you don't think it should be there, choose Save As New Map.
  12. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    That has never happened to me, but I have had the save changes option not appear, and so I had to save as new map
  13. BetaWaffle

    BetaWaffle Guest

    Well, that happens to most people. Just be careful.
  14. xxxmasterofuxxx

    xxxmasterofuxxx Ancient

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    It happened 3 times to me. I bought a new game disc and it was fixed. also the ABP {patch} from bungie comes out and fixes these problems really soon.
  15. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    well this is a problem and it does piss me off. it causes like 2 mn extra work. just save as new map then delete your previous save. then all you have to do is change your "new maps" name back to what it is suppose to be.

    i however dont choose a map name until after i have completed my map. atleast not anymore.

    Stupid Bungie
  16. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    The only experience I have had with the save option si when it does not show up and I only have the option as saving as new. This frustrates me b/c I am almost always full on my custom item limit.

    However I think I have found the underlying cause of this. Whenever I leave someone else's party to go forge, even if it is a closed party, it removes the option to save changes. But if I leave someone else's party go into forge, quit, and start teh game back up again I have no problem. I hopw this information helps you in your future forging!
  17. BetaWaffle

    BetaWaffle Guest

    Good tip rusty, thanks.
  18. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    I am now aware of this glitch thanks! I guess I will just save every 5 or 10 minutes to be on the safe side (Thumbs up emoticon where art thou?)
  19. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    That can work, sometimes. Other times you may have just hit the custom item limit and have to quit forge before you can save again (then lose your changes) or go to fast and save over another map because you don't think "save changes" is there. Sometimes you can lose 2 minutes, sometimes 2 hours, and when it's to hours, it's more than a little annoying.
  20. BetaWaffle

    BetaWaffle Guest

    Yea, try 6 1/2 hours. Now you know how I feel.

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