download Savage Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, FFA, Oddball Recommended Players: 2-8 Map Description: This map doesnt have a very complex layout but that isnt always a bad thing and can still be challenging to play. Savage is an open arena type of battleground, with a red and a blue base and 2 other buildings for some cover. In the middle building you will find the Energy Sword, at the otherside of red&blue base is another building which i call the shotgun building, because there you can find the shotgun. however this building might be better suited for a battlerifle because you got a good view over the map from here. the battlerifle can be found in front of swordbuilding against 2 barriers and on top of red and blue base, which are also 2 nice spots to shoot from, but beware these 2 spots have Fusion coils on it so a well placed shot or grenade could ruin your day. Another goodspot with a good overview would be on top of the sword building in the middle, you can reach that spot by going through the portal right behind the same building. Once you are on top. the rocket launcher is waiting there for you. This looks like a godlike spot because this is the spot with the best overview of all, but rockets travel slow and the enemy can see em coming. All "Power" weapons can be reached by each team at the same time so you will have to fight for it. In teamslayer both teams start in the Red and Blue base and will be facing eachother right from the start of the game when they come out of there bases, so chaos is garanteed!. Screenshots: Overview of the map, with red&blue base and the Sword Building in the middle. underneath the ramp of swordbuilding is a Power Drain [img width=800 height=450][/img] Shotgun Building Blue Base, inside each base is a fencewall just like on the outside, that you can reach through a gravlift, on the fencewall you will find 2 Spike Grenades and a Bubble Shield Weapons: Assault Rifle Battle Rifle SMG Rocket Launcher Shotgun Covenant Carbine Plasma Rifle Plasma Pistol Spiker Energy Sword Needler Frag Grenades Plasma Grenades Spike Grenades Power Ups & deployable tools: Overshield Active Camo Bubble Shield Power Drain
You have really aced alot of this map. But i think you have rushed alot of it. For example you could have interlocked those bridges, and maybe thought about some more scenery. Nothing wrong with the map it just looks like another 30 mins would be very well spent.
Sweet dude the interlocking on your 3rd pick looks really accurate (no bumps) awesome and cool pillars, i always liked those. Oh and welcome to forge hub.=D
If your were to put anything more on the map it would be reasonable to say that it would be crazy. internocking has never been a hobby of mine cause it takes to long.
thanks toast, its nice to be here and matty, yeah i guess your right about the bridges and the scenery.. however when i made this map i didnt know yet about the unlimitedmoney thingie and i only had 1$ left to spend. but i will take it to my next map
No problem man. That money thing always happens to me. Im always thinkin ill have enough money but end up not having enough... :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
Your map looks really smooth for the most part. I like the design of all the different structures, but the rest of the map looks so w i d e - o p e n. Just my opinion, but it seems like there should be more to this map. It's not exactly bad tho. Very good for your first map here. (BTW.. welcome to ForgeHub.)Nice post as well, looking forward to your future money-glitched project. Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
thnx for all the replies, i will take all tips to my next map that i allready am working on, i also downloaded the moneyglitch map. and so far its going to be much better then this one, il share em with you guys when its done. being member of this comunity and watching you people great maps really gives me good ideas and the spirit to push my forging skills to a higher level.