Savage Description -Forgehub 1v1 Smackdown Submision Contest -3 room -1 cave -2 Teleporter -Each Room Have a Power Weapon or a Power Up -2x DMR -1x Needles Rifle -1x Frag -1x Plasma Nades -1x Grenade Launcher -1x Amor Ability Camo -1xSniper -1x CPU -Grenade Launcher and Sniper Are Drop Spawn -Long Range and Short Range Combat Pictures Second version Of Savage Thanks X2Sora : Testing and helping around the map xDTx Kaos : For Making the Spiker room ( THAT I REBUILD WITH BETTER PIECES !) Secret Schnitzel : Help me out with spawn Psyco Duck : Giving helpful Feedback Basketskate : for making a unfinished cave Robot Artist : Testing and helping around the map Shikarix : Testing Confused Flamingo : For feedback Stevo : Feedback PAINTS : Feedback Forge Hub Comunity: For Downloading DOWNLOAD File Share Halo Official Site
Wow, don't mention my name at all I'm hurt. I only built the spiked room and started the entire map. Anyways, I enjoyed kicking your laggy ass game after game. Simple effective layout, beautiful aesthetics, lots of color, overall a very nice map.
Too many weapons frenchys. Other than that. Awesome map, loved seeing it from start to finish. I think this could have a shot at smackdown. beautiful map. Invite me for a test, even though you'll destroy. Usually his French connection gives him the upper hand.
I"m pretty indifferent on this map. I love the aesthetics on this map (namely the vehicle cannons serving as blue lights) and I love the intent of making a simple design; but I feel like the simplicity in this map and enhanced radar will not work well together here. Wraparounds aren't really a problem, but it will still encourage camping or long chases. That center atrium with 3 lifts is an example of good connections, but that sniper cave is incredibly long and the opposite room looks like it will be incredibly easy to hold/camp. Camo as an AA is a unique idea, but you can still activate it whenever you want which is beyond broken. As for the camo room, you can stand on the top and watch the complex atrium, while at the same time, the enhanced radar will detect anyone coming from the right of you (the teleporter that leads behind you is in that room as well as the Camo AA). The best hope of breaking that setup is to push with OS or to catch them off-guard with the sniper. If there's any suggestion I can give without messing with the geometry, it would be to come up with a different teleporter system (ones that send players to different rooms) so room-based setups are much easier to break. I really don't think you can afford to change the geometry because this layout is what is stopping screenlag from happening.
First off, very beautiful've def got talent but I agree with Isao on the teleporter. You could place a grav lift there to increase the flow value. Teleporters usually insight further traveling distance anyway. In an in game situation: if a player escapes an unfavorable battle situation via the teleporter, he could camp on the receiver node to block his following. It would prove for some very frustrating gameplay. The Camo AA needs to be replaced with an orb too. Other than that, great job on the aesthetics, I've yet to play a game on this and love room based maps so I'm looking forward to it.
Did not like this map too much. the aesthetics are great, but the gameplay feels repetitive. There was nothing blatantly broken about it, besides the Camo AA, it even spawns well. There's practically no height variation. There's only 2 levels and most of the engagements takes places with the enemy player on the same level as you, and in the Spiker room. There's no height advantage to fight over. The bottom floor is basically void of gameplay. It's an incredibly simple map, and for me, doesn't offer much variety in gameplay because of this.
Wasnt it green or yellow before? anyways I loved this map. It flows well, isnt too overpowering in certian area, and I love the sniper tunnel. This is a great entry to the contest, and im sure it will do well. It just looks so clean and pleasing to the eye. Keep it up. Also we should make another map sometime, I havent really forged much with you in a while.
Im srry for that, i knew i've forget some people. I'm pretty sure i could beat you one day ! [br][/br]Edited by merge: I took of a needle rifle just for You ! But i need to keep some DMR , something i was runnig out of ammo , and also i change the spiker for a grenade Launcher ! [br][/br]Edited by merge: So enhanced radar work perfectly on this map, you need to play a game on it Also i had another teleporter at the custom spawn that lead you to the Camo room and the camo room teleporter lead you in the sniper cave so cave is not campable anymore. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thank you for good comments and YES! we should forge something together !
a couple of grammar mishaps here, but if i do get a chance to play a game, I'll go for it. I understand that you'll find yourself moving around on the map still, but there will be some stubborn players who just want to camp the entire time. I also have a map that appears incompatible with enhanced radar, but it played well with two players who were willing to move around the map for power weapons / powerups.
I loaded up your most recent version and found a potential problem. I believe that GL room/CPU platform will be the main focus of the map to the point that's it's repetitive and/or broken. Here's why: A) both GL and CPU spawn here B) there is no legitimate counter point C) you can see every route that leads to you on radar I would like to expand on C for a moment.... There are 3 ways to approach CPU; the ramp in the middle of GL (directly beneath you), rock ramp (you can see them the whole way up), and the teleporter that takes you to upper camo room (also directly beneath you.). Pretty much there is no way to approach without alerting the player ahead of time and allowing them to anticipate and counter your actions. Camo room is of no concern to me because the teleporter takes you to sniper (rock ramp which I can easily see) or you can backtrack into the room where I have the massive height advantage. Something that could help would be a ramp from bottom camo room to the top.
Savage? A name from Frenchy's that's not absurd? What is this world coming to? I remember plying on here that I enjoyed the map, but it was in fact quite repetitive and I didn't like how divided everything felt. It was feeling like 'Im in this sniper hall now and am restricted to it until I go into that next room there'. The map plays well enough and I did enjoy it, but it was far too segmented for my taste. Teleporters did not help that feeling either though they did help flow. I think. Maybe. Other than that I don't think I had any issues with Savage, it's a fun little map and would be a welcome addition for anyone's 1v1 sessions.
Ok , i will try to fix that with my budget and with the object left , or rebuild it ..... with more ramps and tunnel ? ...... i'm going to rebuilt it right away ! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Well my issues are to rebuild it ! Also i think that Savage is a fun little map and would become a cool 8 player FFA map for the HALO REACH FORGES : Halo Reach Forges - Savage - YouTube!