This is a cool map, too bad I can't download it. 1: I don't have highspeed internet, so it would never download 2:I don't have any of the heroic maps. I have legendary and mythic, but
This is a cool map, too bad I can't download it. 1: I don't have highspeed internet, so it would never download 2:I don't have any of the heroic maps. I have legendary and mythic, but somehow, the heroic won't
This is a cool map, too bad I can't download it. 1: I don't have highspeed internet, so it would never download 2:I don't have any of the heroic maps. I have legendary and mythic, but somehow, the heroic won't appear on my available maps to play on.
This is a cool map, too bad I can't download it. 1: I don't have highspeed internet, so it would never download 2:I don't have any of the heroic maps. I have legendary and mythic, but somehow, the heroic won't appear on my available maps to play on, even though I downloaded it multiple times.
=| This is a cool map, too bad I can't download it. 1: I don't have highspeed internet, so it would never download 2:I don't have any of the heroic maps. I have legendary and mythic, but somehow, the heroic won't appear on my available maps to play on, even though I downloaded it multiple times. If anyone has a fix for this, please tell me.
Double post yet one post is slightly different. K wtf and yes I can tell by the double post Map looks good, My xbox is broken so when its working again then ill give it a dl and try it out ;p