Saturday 8PM EST 1/9 Customs Event

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by iParanormal, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. Rex Journey

    Rex Journey Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Gt= Rex Journey
    Map= Seaside
    Any gametypes 6v6-8v8
  2. iParanormal

    iParanormal Member
    Forge Critic

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    Sorry I missed it.. Got it added!

    Added it to the rotation! :D
  3. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Not sure if you saw my post, but my Spire remake (Summit) is all ready to go if there's room in the rotation.
  4. Raide UK

    Raide UK Forerunner
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    My Q3 Maps, Longest Yard and CTF4 Support 8v8 but its probably super hectic. Could be a funny and crazy CTF match :D
  5. Natabase

    Natabase Legendary

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    I've got a map that I'd love to have tested. It's called "The Maw" - currently on version 1.2. It should work for slayer, CTF, and Strongholds
  6. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    That was one heck of an event guys, lots of fun.

    For me - highlights were 'Frost,' 'Cradle,' 'Last Goose Standing,' and 'Summit.'

    Frost was an impeccably Forged small symmetrical map that handled the upscaling to 8v8 like a champ. Very easy to learn and find your way around, and likely very fun to play with anywhere north of 8 players.

    Cradle was a diamond in the rough. The idea behind the map is excellent - but it needs refinement. The map should be downscaled by about 30%, and it should be easier to get to the top area with the bridge control room. The mancannons that take you to the top of the Ziggurat-thing were pretty confusing, as there were spots up there that were littered with soft kills, and spots that were safe. There were even some invisible blockers that we ran into on more than one occasion. I know it's an early draft - but the idea of a 3-lane map where the middle lane gets flipped on and off via switch is fantastic and would really make for intense Big Team CTF gameplay. Perhaps the best use of scripting I've seen thus far. The core concept is stellar - the map itself just needs some refinement.

    Last Goose Standing was hilarious and awesome. I think the best thing to take away from the test was that a higher blast radius weapon should be used in lieu of the standard Rocket Launcher. I could see it being even better with the SPNKR or Caster or something like that. Oh, and one last thought - Cyan Team was the best team.

    Summit was fantastic, and truly the most memorable map we played all night. I think we were all skeptical that a Spire remake could be successful in Halo 5, but the Ground Pound shenanigans were intense and so much fun. Not to mention that I was able to rack up some awesome Beam Rifle kills on those of you who weren't looking where you were Pounding. The Phaeton actually felt fair on that map, which either speaks to poor drivers, or amazing balance.

    On a closing note, if anyone has any feedback for Nowhere, feel free to drop it in the Nowhere WIP thread over in Forge Discussion. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!

    Looking forward to next time. Keep it real and stay away from explodies, everyone.
  7. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    I wanted to thank @iParanormal and everyone else for helping stress test Cavalcade. Hopefully you guys enjoyed playing on it. Later this week I'll work on addressing the areas with framerate issues, adjust some lighting, and maybe tweak a few spawns. Other than that I think it played well, but if anyone thinks I should make some changes or other adjustments, let me know. I appreciate all feedback and do my best to implement suggestions that make sense for the map.

    We played on some awesome maps during my time in the party yesterday. Some of my favorites include Nowhere by @Debo37, Precipice by @oo XM oo, Railway Station by @Petque, and Contract by @no god anywhere. I'll try to give some feedback or a review on the map page of those ones.

    Also, that snipe of mine looked so crisp from Paranormal's perspective in the stream. Here's the exact spot in the video and here it is from my view. Although this one might have been better.

    Thanks again everyone!
    oo XM oo and Debo37 like this.
  8. ReclaimerX22

    ReclaimerX22 Promethean

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    ^Well I saw 2 seconds of that video and immediately knew what map that was lol. I'm jelly I didn't get to participate this week, but I was on a date with my favorite person on the planet, so it wasn't all bad. ;)
    I hope if this becomes a weekly thing I get a chance to participate again.
  9. The Grim Dealer

    The Grim Dealer Forerunner
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    I had a lot of fun last night, there were a lot of great maps to play.

    My favorites of the night include Summit, Contract, the Coagulation remake (didn't see the name), Paragon and Cradle (though it needs some work).

    And thanks for helping me test my map guys, I was actually surprised by how well it played with a full lobby.

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