trsyjw46ytjdgfq... omg. When I opened Forgehub today I was expecting another couple of half decent maps that didn't really stand out. As soon as I saw Banshees in the Crypt I needed new pants. My xbox is half broken but I'm going to try and fix it just for this. Only criticism I have for now is that the Choppers might be a bit much, it looks like it could work better with only the Banshees. We shall see though.
About EFFING time you guys got this posted. Well worth the wait though. I've had it on my H.D.D. for some time now, and that's where it'll be staying. Every game I've played on this map has had me saying. "Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD!!!!! BANSHEE!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!" [/endsplode]
Ha... did the flythrough we did the other day inspire this release? You really need to get some customs running on this sometime soon so I can play on this monster.
This map is truly a beauty to behold. The vehicles add a whole different feel to the crypt. I'm not sure this map has GOOD gameplay, but it certainly has very INTERESTING gameplay, which is just as good for customs. Although I'm sure I could have done better if I took the time to learn the map before testing it with you, I still had a good time wandering around shooting folks. This map is a definite keeper in my book.