SAS Training Camp

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by camyhead1, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
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    Hi im not new to forgehub but this is my first map posted on forgehub.
    Its called SAS Training Camp as in title. SAS stands for special air services.
    The objective of it is to get the hostage (vip) to the gate wich leads through a tunnel to the extraction point.

    hostage stats:
    no shields
    damage resistance i believe was %90 percent or something like that
    speed %75
    gravity %150
    weapon pistol
    cannot pickup

    his teammates are faster better armoured and have battlerifles. the enemie has normal stats and an assault rifle there amoury has 1 frag 2 assault rifles and 2 smg's.
    the building where the hostage starts has a few good weapons and equipment which do not respawn and a few obstacles.
    the map has many obstacles for the hostage to hide behind. now for the pictures.






    entrance to hostage building
    inside hostage building

    left side of the enemies building this is where the hostage extract point also has tha armoury
    right side of enemies building.
    the armoury not much in it.
    the extraction point
    the shotgun tunnel

    link to map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    link to gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    so enjoy and please give me advice.
  2. Cheif Jarvis MLG

    Senior Member

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    Looks All right!

    Might could but a couple more things in but

    besides that its good
  3. TheXShadowXKing

    TheXShadowXKing Ancient
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    very sloppy good for a mini game but people won't download if it is sloppy and looks like you put in no effort
  4. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    The house looks a little sloppy. Heres a tip, make the bridges turned over it looks a lot more professional. What I do like is all the dumpsters and crates in the middle.
  5. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    umm looks liek a good idea but the map was amade to sloppy for my taste so im not gonna download so maybe make a v2 that isnt so sloppy because i see holes in your hostage bulding that could be exploited.
  6. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    The scenery on this map looks "throw down" and it doesn't seem like you though much about the placement, but the overall layout looks fine. Weapon placement is always important, so you should take all the weapons in the armory, and just spread them out a little bit. It would give the map a better flow, instead of always going to the same room to get weapons.

    I recommend going to Forging 101 to learn how to interlock objects because the roof looks sloppy, but if you interlock, it would improve. It is your first map, but Forgehub has high standards, so why don't you go to Forging 101 and learn new tricks and come back with a better v2? :D Good luck!
    #6 Psycho, Oct 6, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2008
    IVIercinator likes this.
  7. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    Well, I've got to say that alot of people made use of this thread for more posts (see the first 3 posts, all spamming, 4th post a bit but it's a bit longer :D), so I'm dissapointed.
    If you guys wanna get posts then make a good reply/review like this:

    Ok, about the map:
    1. First thing to notice is that there is no interlocking, not at all, you need interlocking for great if you don't use interlocking then you get good maps + ideas that are sloppy, very sloppy. To fix this problem, you can interlock and geo-merge (combining two or more objects with each other and putting inmove-able objects into the wall or floor or other original map's scenery), to learn how to interlock in advanced ways and geo-merge, read this thread

    2.the overall scenery (crates, dumpsters and barriers) are thrown down on the map, try to map certern paterns in your scenery, for example in a chess-bord or V/W formation, everything is possible as long as it is not like this.

    3. Weapon placement is not good, cause you have AN ARMORY= dumm, dumm, duuuuuuuuummmm (evil sound)
    Armories are the most evil things in halo 3, it makes camping easy, the map overpowered and the go to your house and...............BOOOOOOOOMMM!!!, nah just kidding, but only the 'it makes camping easy and the map overpowered' part is true, so don't have them!!, unless they are ment to be built for important gameplay. some overall changes, like flipping over boxes and bridges and walls, not the dumpsters, crates or barriers though.

    5.make sure you have a good working spawning system and good weapon placement, so an overall great gameplay.

    and 6. the most important thing or well, almost, make sure your post is good, like really good (like this is fine, but some things like a story line or a gameplay footage video can be added for greater posts).

    And for the Spammers, that's how you should have posted...
    TheDarkKnight05 and Bass Forger like this.
  8. E.R.SLiM

    E.R.SLiM Ancient
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    yeah this map is pretty sloppy need to do some interlocking and staighten things out
  9. Doodletheory

    Doodletheory Ancient
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    I'm not trying to offend you but here is a link to forge guide:
    With this the you might learn a thing or 2 and be able to make your map a whole lot better. I'm sure that after you fix the map up and post a v2 very few will say it is sloppy and instead neat cos i'm sure i would.

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    this map is very sloppy and has way to much cover.usally there isnt' enough but this is just chaos. interlocking will also help u a lot
  11. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    The reason it is sloppy is to give the effect that you are preparing for the hostage retrieval, not carrying the real thing out. This is similar to the cargo ship run in the first level of COD4 (FNG).

    Interesting idea, i have qued to dl.
  12. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    now that every one has given links to 101, i wont talk abuot messyness
    map design, pretty fair
    map gametype, not so origional
    i like the light and heavy versus medium
    dont hvae armoryis and definetly dont have armories + shield doors
  13. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
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    Cmon why post a sall-time consuming map that has no skill or specialty, feature, or any talent involved whatso ever... Try posting something amazing not something just to get an extra post in... Next time you post a map try harder to impress the fellow forgers on this site.
  14. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
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    thankyou everyone for the advice and links. i will have a v2 so keep an eye out for it. also dont stop with the comments, opinions and new advice.
    #14 camyhead1, Oct 6, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  15. jomamma14

    jomamma14 Ancient
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    dose not look to good, no interlocking and looks sloppy no Download for me

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