The first test session I had two weeks ago was fun and seemed helpful to the map creators, so here is the inevitable second edition. The test session will be on Friday, December 31st at 6 PM PST (GMT-8). I'm not converting that time to any other time zone, figure it out. Also, I realize it's New Year's Eve, but the party only lasts an hour. gamertag: SargeantSarcasm start time: 6 PM, PST. end time: whenever every map has been tested. requirements: MUST have a microphone MUST adhere moral and societal etiquette MUST show up (on time) if you sign up. MUST only use the standard, on-disc map palettes for their map. (NO DLC, unless someone wants to buy me the map pack of course ) MUST stay until every map has been tested (up to a maximum of 8) for at least one game. Long, custom round-length games need not apply. Tentative until this system takes off. The map MUST be playable for 8 players. Big Team Battle or Invasion games need not apply. Also tentative. The map MUST be your own creation. No testing for others. Co-forgers may sign up together, however, in accordance with the next point, those with maps will take priority. In the end I would like there to be at least 8 maps played per test session. The map MUST be in your fileshare. Participants are NOT required to bring a map for testing. However, those with maps to test will take priority when I determine the final testing group. Once every map has been played once. Based on general consensus, we will either: Test more maps. Cycle back through the maps for testing. Sign-up order again. End the session. I would like to make each session last more than an hour, as proper testing would require more than one game. However, I cannot (in good conscience) commit others to such a length of time. That said, if time and party permit, the test session could last longer. The difference between this and the Tester's Guild is that I will NOT write up a detailed analysis about what needs work on your map. By participating in your own map's testing process, you'll be able to see what needs work better than someone else's interpretation of the problem. Post-game, let me know what could use improvement. For example, should this get popular enough it could become an official event in between TGIFs, in which case different hosts would test different genres. Sign-up Template gamertag: map name: map genre: map link: (to fileshare) picture (preferred, but optional) On the testing day, I will send invites to everyone on the list. If you cannot make the testing session, or will be late, you must message me beforehand so I can make arrangements for a replacement.
gamertag: pinohkio map name: Floater in the pipe map genre: Mini game map link: Game link: picture: Please download the gametype too, it's optimized for the map. Think Bumper cars; but much more competitive and trickier. I can't attend tonight, I'm going out with friends.
gamertag: Oakley HiDef map name: zm_bunker map genre: infection map link: please download (ZM_Outbreak) gametype and the map (zm_bunker) HiDef picture
Gamertag: Victus Inferi Map Name: Struck Harmonious (2.1) Gametype: Team Slayer (Would also like to test One Flag, if possible) Map Link: : Halo Reach : File Details_Inferi I got a new mic over the holidays, so yay. Im not much of a talker though, so be warned. (pics slightly outdated, newer version has a much lower ceiling)
I'm not officially signing up, as I don't have a non-DLC map to test and I'm not 100% sure I can make it... but I'll most likely be available since it looks like you could use some more people. Gt: Indie Anthias edit: sorry... can't make it.
Gamertag: Kittenpaste co Map Name: Civility (Experiment) Gametype: CTF on Civility (custom gametype) : Halo Reach : File Details Map Link: : Halo Reach : File Details Meant for at least 10 but 8 will be sufficient for testing. About the 5th iteration of this map...
gamertag: o Amateratsu o map name: Uprush. map genre: Slayer. map link: : Halo Reach : File Details