Foundry Sapherical

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Sethiroth87, May 17, 2009.

  1. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
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    Design and Created by Sethiroth​

    History: Well this map was just me randomly throwing boxes around, then i invited YourSelf and he throw some boxes around then i cleaned it up and thats how the map started. It really happened like that, This map was made with King of the Hill and Team Slayer in mind. This map features many things that you wouldn't see in a MLG map like Fence Walls with Sheild Doors in them to create windows, Man Cannon that takes you up to snipe tower, and even a one way portal, but the map is balanced and is lots of fun to play on.

    Power Weapons
    Sniper Rifel on normal 120 Sec. drop spawn
    Rockets on a normail 180 Sec. drop spawn
    Camo on 120 Sec pick-up spawn
    Shotgun on a 180 Sec. pick up spawn with 0 spare clips

    This is the middel structure, This is where i started making the map

    This is the Snipe Tower. The Sniper is located in the crain

    This is A Tower. Nothing Special besides that its probley the most powerful spot on the map :)

    This is Camo area.

    This is the Rocket Room and the portal under there that leads to the A tower

    And last but not lease the Shotgun Room which as you can see its not really a room but whatever

    Well i hope you enjoy the map. This map was made with fun in mind and nothing to take like a serious MLG map. This map plays TS,KOTH,and CTF
    UPDATE: The map was made at the Begining of January so the map is old but still great. The map was also more of a bet that i couldn't forge it in less than 24 hours total, but i won that bet so some things might be bumby

    #1 Sethiroth87, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  2. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
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    If any Mod Sees this could you delete the second post because it was more of an acceident then anything else i dont want another write up
    #2 Sethiroth87, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009

    D4RK 3NCRYPT3R Ancient
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    this map is beautiful! way better than anything that I could doo. Its been a while since I have seen any good quality foundry maps.I love how smooth everything is, i can't tell you how many times that slopy forging has killed me.
    This is definately a download.4/5
    #3 D4RK 3NCRYPT3R, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    ok whoever started the "reserved for updates" fad i hate you, this is the third map i've seen today that has that. you see the little button at the bottom of your post? thats the edit button you click THAT for updates. you obviously know it's there because you double posted just for an edit.
    the map truly isnt anything special and i've seen about a million of these types of maps over the course of the year.
    i guess to make it better you could make it more original
  5. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the Comment and the update thing is to have a more clean POST

    This map was made in January so the map is alittel old but still a great map.
    #5 Sethiroth87, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  6. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Actually, that is for extra pics, because there is a pic limit per post. You DON'T need it for updates, though.

    On2map: This looks like it plays very well, but I'm not so sure on the camo. It might be an interference with gameplay. And, the shotgun? It's a little overpowering. Maybe replace it with a Mauler? Aside from that it looks very well made, great interlocks and merges. I doesn't seem to have bumps. From what I can see, it looks great!
  7. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
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    This map has been playtest with semi pros and pro forgers alike and everyone seems to like the weapon layout.

    The shotgun is on a 3 min timer with 0 spare clips(only 6 shots) and the mauler is usally on a 2 min timer with 1 spare clip(10 shots). So the shotgun isnt all that powerful when you actually think about it.

    The Camo is on a 2 min timer in the most fartest part of the map so that you waste about 10 secs of camo before you really get anywhere important. But i will look into Oversheild if map gets more intention
  8. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    Preety freakin sweet gameplay because i can tell you took extra time with spawns and unique places to weapons also. Great map
  9. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
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    to the guy above. Thanks

    Also my friends list is more than likely than full but i have another tag called AMT List 1 which is my personal playtest list and when i need more for customs i inv people from there and when i remove someone i sometimes add someone from that list
  10. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Was this really just posted? I thought you had done this months ago and let the map die!

    OT - I remember testing the dirty version of this and even that played well. The variation of hights give the design flow a Halo:CE feel. It's almost like a hybrid of damnation and hang 'em high. Also, the bridge merge in the fifth picture is very nice.

    It's a cute map, Seth. Glad you posted it. :)
  11. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
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    thanks solo i always will love you. I know this map is old as dirt but i never posted here

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