Santa City

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Blackfire, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. Blackfire

    Blackfire Ancient
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    Close the door,and get ready for a suprise,cause santas comin'.
    4-16 players.
    The idea is simple,the humans spawn in the middle of the map and run into a house.The zombie spawns in the back room.After 30 seconds the doors close.The only way in is the chimneys.Thats where Santa goes...Quite simple.
    The humans have pistols and 100% damage taken and given.
    The alpha has 90% health and 50% gravity.
    The zombies have 125% speed and 75% gravity,with 50% health.Both zombies and Alphas have swords,and humans only have pistols,without unlimited ammo.
    You have 30 seconds to pick your house,and besides houses 2 and 3,you can get out of them.Camping does not happen much due to the ability to double team and so each round lasts 3-5 minutes with a max score of 5-12 each round.
    House 1 Overview:
    The chimney is to the left.The right has the garage.
    House 1 Inside:
    The chimney is to the left,and the door to the right,the back wall has a shotgun,and the box has a turret into the garage for a quick escape.
    Shed and Mobile Home:
    The shed has a closable door,and a flame grenade.The mobile home has a 45second spawn on a dumpster that closes the door.There is a brute shot in there.The roof has a crack for Santa's entry.
    House 2 Overview:
    House 2 inside:
    A mauler spawns behind the pallet and there is a trip mind right next to it.An SMG spawns behind the couch.
    House 3 Overview:
    The chimney is behind the barriers.
    House 3 inside:
    A sniper is behind the barrels,and 2 spikers spawn right below the pallet under the picture.
    Mansion overview:
    One chimney drops in front of the TV,other drops on the dining table.
    Mansion Inside:
    A sniper is behind the TV,and a shotgun is to the right of it.A BR is under the table in the back.
    Mansion Inside 2:
    The bunk beds are great for camping,and top the left is a hallway to the garage with a warthog.​

    This is my first real map,so be nice.Sorry if the pictures are done wrong.​

  2. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    pics arnt working.also needs a good description.I would give you a totoriol but I dont know,and neverpost pics.this thread will be deleted in 24 hours if this thread is not fix'd
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    1)get your pics from the bungie site.
    2)Go to
    3)Upload your pics
    4)Click on the small version of your pic on the page after you have uploaded an image.
    5)Should be a bigger version of the pic on the next page. Right click on the image and go down to properties.
    6)Copy the adress on the propertie menu
    7)Click on the insert image icon on the post bar.
    8)Paste URL and hit ok. Pic should be there.

    Don't comment on his pictures until he's fixed them.

    Kay NOW for the map review. Well firstly, I'd like to say this was a pretty cool idea and it's inspired me to make something like this. Secondly, I'm not sure if people will like it if they stay in the same place for the entire game. That just forces camping and makes the game not fun. Next, you should describe the player traits like weapons and stuff. But overall a really good idea.
    #3 Rifte, Dec 23, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2008
  4. Blackfire

    Blackfire Ancient
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    Actually,House 2 and 3 are the only places you can't get out without killing yourself,and camping almost never happens,I don't know why,but the round usually ends in about 3-5 minutes,with a top score of 5-10.And you always have 30 to move between houses,but I get what you mean.
  5. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Oh. That makes sense but that kind of thing you should mention on the description so people don't get the wrong idea.
  6. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Santa better be red... The zombies better be... green?
    Moving on, I think that this would be an excellent infection map, but why didn't you make multiple level houses? The chimneys could still go to the bottom level. IF you want to, make more levels to some of the houses, then it will be worth my DL.
  7. Blackfire

    Blackfire Ancient
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    The problem I had with that is there wouldn't be enough money,then it would become a map where there was like one or 2 big houses,and I wanted to replicate a "city" the best I could...
  8. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    I like the basic idea of this, it just wasn't executed as well as it should of been. You could have done alot more if you used The Unlimited Money Glitch. Also, do you mind if I work off of this idea?

    Some tips on the Unlimited Money Glitch:

    1. Wait until the end of your map to delete the starting objects, once you delete the starting object you cannot spawn anymore of that object.

    2. If you forge with a friend forge all the way to the end. Saving and ending the game with a friend usually ends up with the Unlimited Money Glitch ending.

    3.Do not delete a object if there is only 1-4 of that object left, or all that is left of that object will be lost.
  9. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
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    maybe santa could have a warthog like his seigh and then the zombies could be green for his elves
    I will probably be playing this with my friends for a while

    also for the money glitch use the ultimate buget canvas because you can money glitch a map halfway through with the tutorial
  10. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    ok, im gonna be blunt, this is a terrible santa map. ive seen a few others, and ill say why this one isnt nearly as good.
    1st-You dont have any interlocking in your map at all, or at least no noticable interlocking.
    2nd-some of the buildings are worthless, like the trailer, no ones gonna camp there, the buildings to small and santa would kill them instantly.
  11. Blackfire

    Blackfire Ancient
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    Actually the trailor is a great spot...Especially if you have the shotgun...The shed is good because it has flame grenades....So when they try to open it,you burn them....So all the buildings ARE usefull.There is some interlocking,but there is no need for it,mainly because not interlocking doesn't allow any cheap things,such as going behind a box or such.
  12. Xkreep

    Xkreep Ancient
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    This map isnt the best its kinda bad. You need interlocking, and also theirs quite a bit of buildings which is good but their very small. Theirs alot of open space too and nothing can appeal to the eye much on this map. 1-2/5

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