Created By: PhreakieTime Spent Forging: 48 Hours Time Spent Testing: 12 Hours Supported Gametypes: All Gametypes Recommended Gametypes: One Flag,Team Oddball,FFA >Download< Weapons: 8x Battle Rifle 6x Covenant Carbine 1x Sniper Rifle 2x Assault Rifle 2x Brute Shot 2x Plasma Pistol 1x Gravity Hammer 1x Needler 4x Spiker 2x Plasma Rifle 8x Plasma Grenade 3x Frag Grenade 1x Grav Lift 1x Power Drain 1x Trip Mine 1x Active Camo 1x Plasma Cannon 1x Ghost Sanghelios is the latest addition to my vast collection of maps. I spent a fair amount of time creating this map and it came out better than I had ever imagined. Sanghelios was created under the impression of the Sangheili or Elites. I tried to create the map with an almost Covenant kind of taste or feel. I achieved this goal by creating large towers that had orbs of pure energy radiating in the center of them, spiral ramps leading you to higher ground, and of course my unique 'Staircase' leading to a Sniper Rifle. This map is purely assymmetrical. It works great with 8-10 people or a 6 person free for all. Sanghelios was designed very carefully. Since the map had such high ground, I didnt want people to have domination over the people on lower ground. To diminish their advantage, I included a series of jumps on the high ground to disturb the flow of the map just slightly. The bottom floor however flows amazingly so that people can move freely and have a chance against the high ground. The Ghost on this map works quite well. It can manuever freely but it is restricted from many choke points. The Ghost is mainly there to pick off any stragglers on the bottom floor. "I was *****" The Video: Flimed by Kidbomber Insane Tea-Bags at the end Special Thanks to Devinish and Bl00D F1R3 for teaching me how to use spawn areas properly. Especially Devinish who reviewed the problems with spawning thouroughly. Also thanks to Matty who I hope will not get mad at me for using the Aperture post as a template for this one. Kidbomber for creating an upcoming map video for this. And finaly JEEF for the small geomerge he did. > Download <
pretty darn nice dood. but you should have put beam rifles instead of snipers cuz its covies (duh) and it would kinda be a change. i like all the platforms on the 4th pic. looks like some great gameplay. i see some asthetics even though there could be more. also looks very clean 9.5/10. P.S. <3 ur sig
Wow, you really did work on this map, although I saw it a really long time ago. Glad to knokw that you filled the gaps with lots of interesting structures. You have to hit me up with an invite so we can play it sometime and I'll download and give a forgethrough and i'll play it if it seems good enough. So, how did you do with the ghosts, because I remember we talked about how many there should be. EDIT: Just downloaded, will check out tomorrow.
Hi its st4plgun.. Anyways I loved playing on this map it was aesthetic and fun . I havent heard from this map for atleast a week. So im wondering if you fixxed the spawns or not but anyways good job and good luck you might get a feature. =3 Black Cat FTW!
well this map looks pritty cool. i would have liked to see more pics in the post but it was still cool. the map looks well made and seems very clean. im curious about the weapon layout and all but still nice map. good job
so u finally have it posted HUH.... this map is quite nice and im glad u didnt give up on it... nice job w/ the layout and the idea of the map was spec... hopefully in sandbox we can better do elite forging.... lol no not like that... like ^^^ that.... nice tho... i cant wait for the vid and is a wepon layout coming... hopefully we can get a good idea of the layout of the map through the vids and why didnt this go in the temp???
It was fun play testing this map. I like the feel and gameplay that happened during slayer games and everything was balanced out enough that not one thing controled the map. I enjoy this map good work. :]
This map looks like it has very good potential gameplay. Team slayer should be amazing on this map. Nice interlocking with the boxes and walls. Also the bridge concept was very cool, makes the map more airy good job
This map looks pretty crazy. But in a good way. Those sketches are really nice looking as well. Nice interlocking and geomerging. Glad to see a ghost (ghosts on Foundry FTW). But, with that said, enough with these box/shield door formations... I see them all the time now. Sure, they look cool, but something original would be nice. Overall, this looks like a fun map, 9/10 from pics. DL'd Edit: After a walkthrough, this is a pretty good map. I think some of the ramps could have been better (a couple were too steep and slowed you down) but overall it all worked out pretty well. The ghost was evenly balanced with a trip mine, power drain, gravity hammer, and ample plasma grenades. 8/10 from walkthrough
i remember testing it it was pretty fun my firend did not likee it too much but ehh he isnt important what is important is how epicsex this map is i really like the covenant theme and the weapon set is great too the only thing i would suggest is removing the ghost as it is way too over powering. but other wise i would rate this a 4.5/5
Sigh....before I say anything about your map, I just want to say..........Why are you so mean to me? I mean, its not my fault that I live in the Philippines and have bad connection. I have been even trying to improve it but.......I don't dad said maybe next time...its complicated. Anyway, you are the only one in my friends list that removed me because of my connection. Message me back, not reply. As for the map, its nice. Me, some other guys and you were suppose to do a forge through in it but you booted me because of my connection. But when you BOOTED ME, I just started up a game by myself and looked around. Nice design and gameplay, this might be your best map so far. Here's some advice, be good to the people around you (including me) because in my opinion, higher charisma is equal to more downloads and views of your map. I will download, but please consider what I said.
This is a very nice map.I remember testing this.Its very creative and it looks like it took a while to make.Its very clean with nice geomerging.I was the one getting ***** slapped by recon! lol
Wow man I played this last night with you guys and I remember my jaw dropping the second I saw it. Everything was wonderful. The weapons, aesthetics, spawns, gameplay, just everything. The feel on the map was just incredible. I love many if not all of your structures. The way you utilized foundry has never been done so well. All your geo-merges and interlocks were perfect. I love the map layout for its uniqueness and perfection. It is apparent that you spent much time, thought, and technique in making this map. When I see this map my sense of smell tingles because this reeks of feature. Excellent work. Th Kn1ght
FINALLY YOU FINISHED IT! You showed me this in its very first stages. This is amazing. Interlocking and geomerging are great and this has some nice aesthetics too. Love it. Keep up the good work. 4.5/5
About damn time, Phreakie! Had a great time testing this, although a majority of the games I played were very laggy. The aesthetics on here are well and beyond great, and, Ironically, reminds me of an Elite homeworld......... Cheers! Desert Rat 852 P.S. Remember the guy who kept screaming about Recon?
my favorite part of this map was definitely the sniper platforms, they remind me of the ones in curbstomp, also the ghost hanger look nice but it would look better if you block off the back in with a geomerged wall, thats really the only thing i can criticize surprisingly the high ground wasnt to overpowered even with a sniper rifle, although i have to say this game works fine for 4 person free-for-all even though its so big 5/5
Nice overall layout and aesthetics. It looks like a very clean and mature map. I especially like those three stairs with bridges on them right in succession. It gives it a cool feel. I can see this getting featured. 5/5
what i like most about this map is the weapons. it has many covenant weapons and most maps in matchmaking dont. im working on a map with many awsome weapons like the sentinel beam. anyways, back 2 you. the map looks well made and people says that the gameplay is good so im going to dl this on imo you should have made it on a covenant map, but unforteunally its impossible. but great. out of the pics i gove it a 5/5 btw: sorry for the bad english im from Norway.
Thanks for all the great comments guys! I just posted the video in the map made by Kidbomber and I also am going to change a few things. It will just be a small edit to fix the 2 ramps that are 2 steep so it wont be a V2 or anything. EDIT: Map has been updated with less steeper ramps one is barely crooked but it still looks good.
ohai thar The map was very beautiful ( yes Jacon i lied to you lol) the way everything comes together works wonder with the elite theme ;D The only problem i had before was spawns, and that was solved pretty easily i guess. anyway, another great map mate, and i had fun make the video for you